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A Lotta tense changes I'm really bad at that stuff, sorry guys I made it hard to read lol


Most would expect Ace and Luffy to flunk school. And they're pretty much right about that.

Sabo's on top as always, being a good citizen and a star student. He even got assigned as the hall monitor, so that's basically a free skip pass.

But Sabo would never miss a lesson even if he was on duty. He would stand right next to the door and write down everything the professors say.

Ace is not good at school. Not at all. It's not like he can't keep up, he just doesn't want to. However, he always manages just to stay a little bit above the failure mark. He just doesn't try. And to top that off, his narcolepsy makes him miss 90% of the course content, so what was the big deal anyway?

Luffy is a whole nother story. You can't call him stupid either. He just wasn't good at things like calculus, or everything the curriculum offers. Luffy, as you can guess, is safe from failure though, because he's got two big brothers helping (lecturing) him with his homework. Ace doesn't necessarily help, but when he does give tips, Luffy seems to remember the concepts more. Sabo gets all theoretical, and it confuses the boy, but he still tries to listen.

Sabo tells him he's hopeless. Ace tells him he's special. And they would get into a fight over it while Luffy sat in his chair to watch.

To Sabo's demise, Ace was 100% right. Luffy's brain worked in a way that differed from everyone else. Ace knows about Luffy more than Sabo does, given that the blonde got lost and lived with another family for almost 10 years.

Luffy is also a "troublemaker." He would always have a bone to pick with at least two big guys in one day.

"They hurt my friends!" Luffy had said, quote on quote.

Sabo would freak out and stop the fight whenever he could. He'd end up patching Luffy up while Ace doubled over laughing. Luffy would also laugh, and the two drove Sabo nuts.

Admist the chaos, Sabo had seen a very much cute relationship between his two brothers. Ace and Luffy were very close. Ace was the loving older brother that let Luffy do whatever he wanted as long as it didn't hurt him. Luffy loves Ace not only because of this, but also the admiration he has for him.

Like what Sabo said, they are super cute, both of them. Even Sabo was not aware of the other type of love the two had for each other.

It took a while for them to find out. The D in their names stood for dense (Basically). But when they did, they were gonna show it to the world forgetting the fact that they were previously brothers.

Poor Sabo was shocked off his feet when he first found Ace and Luffy going at it after Luffy beat another guy up. The only thought, keeping Sabo from fainting was that he had to stop them before more trouble occurred.

"Okay... that's uhm.. cute and all..." Sabo glanced at Ace, eyeing his target so he can kill him later for kissing their little brother, "But you guys should NOT be kissing on school grounds.... or kissing at ALL!!"

Sabo wasn't homophonic nor was he particularly against them being in a relationship. It just felt awkward and.. knowing them, they would show anyone they knew. And it'd be extremely awkward for the previously-brothers-now-lovers to kiss in front of people who thought they were brothers (and related)!!!

Sabo just didn't want trouble. But both of his.. well, sworn brothers, were trouble magnets. Now that they're together, they've formed the Double Trouble D blackhole.

And you know, with their gravitational pull they will no doubt suck any fucking trouble in.

Which is why Sabo, again, found them making love in the janitor's closet.

...Well, at least they weren't smooching in the public anymore...? 

Not that it mattered even a bit.

3 pairs of eyes stared at each other and Sabo decided to close the door.

None of his business.

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