Chapter 1

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"I hope you realise how much of a shitty person you are"


Gojo could see the shocked expression on Y/N's face and he couldn't help feeling a bit satisfied. She hadn't expected him to discover her true identity but he did.

"How-how did you find out?" she asked. He could feel the panic and the fear in her voice.

He stared at her, feeling not an ounce of sympathy towards her any more. His face was still cold and he was still angry.

"Does it even matter how I know about it?" He said as he looked directly at her. She was stunned by his harsh tone but he didn't care. "What matters is that I was so stupid that I didn't even realise that you have been lying to me all this time, and I fucking believed your lies."

His words struck her like a dart. She was shocked by his sudden outburst and she was so taken aback by his words that she could only be quiet.

He continued as the anger and disappointment boiled inside him. "I trusted you. If only I had used my senses, I would've realised things earlier but I was blinded by my dumb love."

He shook his head as if he was shaking his thoughts off. "What happened to your parents living in Okinawa? What happened to your little sister who is still in kindergarten? Tell me, what happened to all the bullshit you told me?"

He looked at her and his voice was sharp and angry. He was pissed off and his anger was still boiling inside him.

"It was all a lie, wasn't it? All the stories you told me about your past were fake and you just made them up to hide your true self."

He walked closer to her and he didn't hold himself back from his words anymore. He spoke with a harsh tone and he spoke as if he meant it.

"I hope you realise how much of a shitty person you are. You fucking kept lying to me on my face, and it's not just to me. You lied to everyone, your friends. I wish I never saved you that day." He was fed up and his frustration had finally gotten the better of him.

"Gojo- I'm really sorry-"

"Don't you dare give me that sorry when you don't fucking mean it!" He slammed his fist against the wall behind her.

Y/N put her arms up as a shield and she was visibly trembling. She was also crying and she felt threatened as he spoke to her in such a harsh tone.

She was still trying to form a sentence but her words kept stuttering as she was sobbing.

"Don't... Don't hit me... please..."

He softened his expression and looked at her. He could see that she was feeling scared as his anger had gotten the best of him. He slowly lifted his hands to calm down and he spoke softly to assure her.

"I know I said those things to you but why would you even think I'll hit you? I'll never lay my hands on you."

Her hands dropped down and she was sobbing loudly. She broke down and she couldn't contain all the emotions that she was feeling at that moment.

She was feeling guilty and disappointed in herself because she had broken his trust and she knew that there was nothing she could do to make it better.

"I'm sorry, Gojo... I didn't mean- I didn't mean to lie to you all this time... My past is not something I'm proud of. I want to forget about it. I couldn't find it in my heart to tell you after everything you went through," She managed to croak out between cries.

He looked at her as she was sobbing and he still couldn't believe that everything he had known till now about her was a complete lie.

He felt hurt and broken knowing that she never trusted him enough to tell him the truth. He was trying to stay strong but her words touched him and he got emotional.

"You could've trusted me. I would've accepted you no matter what your past was. But you chose to lie to my face... Why? What happened that caused you to do this?"

She was crying and had a hard time even forming proper sentences. She didn't want to tell him the real reason why she lied to him. There was a huge sense of shame in herself that she had lied to him all this time and she did not want to tell it.

Finally, she spoke through her sobs. "You...You wouldn't understand. I- I don't want to talk about it. Just thinking about it makes me disgusted."

He felt as if he had hit a brick wall. He couldn't get her to talk to him and there was a huge sense of distance between them.

He wanted to get to the bottom of what had happened to her. So he spoke gently again hoping that she would feel comfortable enough to tell him the truth.

"Tell me what happened. I want to understand. I want to know what happened. Please."

She tried to take a few deep breaths and she tried to calm down. Her crying reduced in intensity and she was no longer sobbing. She tried to steady herself and she eventually managed to bring her breathing back to normal.

She looked at Gojo and she tried to think of the right way to tell him about her past. She was sure that telling him was the right thing to do but she was still feeling a bit uncomfortable sharing the truth. She was afraid that she would disappoint him even more.

She took a deep breath. "The first and most important thing you need to know is that the Geto family is not what it seems."

He was a bit surprised by her wording and he looked at her curiously. He was wondering what she meant by that.

"The Geto family isn't what it seems?... What do you mean?" he asked and he spoke softly as he waited for her to continue.

"You've gone to our house a lot, right?" She asked him.

He remembered that he and Suguru had visited that place many times when they were children. He was sure that he was gonna get some good information about her past now because there was no way to deny that he had been to her home. "Yeah, I remember. But what does that have to do with anything?"

"Have you ever felt that there was something wrong with my parents?"

He never thought there was something off about them because they were always friendly and welcoming. "No, I never thought they were off or anything. They were also always nice to me."

"Is there a reason why you asked me that?" He asked her. He was still trying to follow this conversation but he felt a bit confused over why she had asked that. The only reason he could come up was that he had met them a few times in his childhood but they were always nice to him so he thought they were good people.

She finally looked at him directly and she was very honest with her thoughts.

"Everything you saw about my parents was a lie. They wanted to show everyone that they are nice and friendly people but that was just for the outside world. They were not good people and they were not good parents." She spoke sharply as if she was expressing her resentment towards them.

"They were controlling and manipulative and...And they did... things to us," She said, now looking away. She felt angry and bitter when she spoke but she tried to stay calm.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore," she said as she looked down as her hands as she tried to stop herself from shedding tears.

Gojo wanted to know exactly what had happened. He was getting emotional just by thinking about what she had been through but he needed to know more. "What do you mean by 'they did things to us'? Please tell me what happened."

She wiped her tears and looked at him with her cheeks red from crying. "Then I'll have to start from the very beginning."

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