Chapter 37

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“We're like... purple-haired buddies”


Rei wandered the halls of Jujutsu High with a book tucked under her arm, lost in her thoughts. The recent events had been overwhelming, and she often found solace in the quiet corridors and the pages of a good book. As she passed by the student dormitories, she was jolted from her reverie by a loud curse echoing from Y/N's room.

Startled, Rei quickened her pace, her heart pounding with concern. She reached Y/N's door and hesitated for a moment before pushing it open. Inside, she found a chaotic scene: Y/N was sitting cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by a sea of empty shampoo and hair dye bottles. Her expression was one of utter despair.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Rei asked, her voice laced with worry. She scanned the room, half-expecting to find something amiss beyond the scattered bottles.

Y/N looked up at her, her eyes wide with frustration. "I'm out of purple hair dye!" she exclaimed, as if this were the most dire situation imaginable. "I can't believe this is happening! The stores are closed, and I can't go out looking like this!"

Rei blinked, processing the gravity of the situation. "That's... it?" she asked, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I thought something serious happened."

Y/N groaned, flopping back on the floor dramatically. "This is serious! My hair is a mess without the dye. I look like a mess!"

Rei couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's theatrics. "Well, I don't have purple hair dye, but I can check my room. Maybe I have something you can use."

Y/N sat up, her eyes lighting up with hope. "Really? That would be amazing! I don't want to go back to my natural hair colour; it feels so... ordinary."

Rei nodded and headed back to her room. She wasn't sure if she actually had any purple dye, but it was worth checking. She entered her room and went straight to the shelf where she kept her collection of hair dyes. The bottles were lined up neatly, but she realized with a sigh that she had left her glasses somewhere, and without them, everything was a blur.

Squinting, she leaned closer to the bottles, trying to make out the colours. Unfortunately, the labels had long since worn off, and she couldn't distinguish one bottle from another. She sighed and grabbed the bottle she thought was purple, hoping she had guessed correctly. She hurried back to Y/N's room, holding the bottle out triumphantly.

Returning to Y/N's room, Rei handed her the bottle. "Here you go. I'm pretty sure this is the purple dye."

Y/N beamed at her. "Thanks, Rei! You're a lifesaver." She wasted no time in getting to work, applying the dye with practised precision.

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