Chapter 13

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“We don't have time for games”


Y/N and Gojo had travelled around the forest for what felt like hours before they came across a three-storied Japanese-style house. Compared to the rest of the desolate forest, the house felt like an anomaly in its beauty and cleanliness.

Y/N was taken aback by its sudden appearance, as she hadn't expected to find anything like this in the middle of the forest. She looked at Gojo, wanting to know if he had any idea what this place could be.

"This is definitely odd." He agreed, looking at the house. It was almost too perfectly preserved like it was placed here purposefully.

He looked around at the area to get a better idea of where they were, trying to figure out if there was a hidden reason for its presence. It wasn't every day that you walk through the forest and find a random big house in good condition in the middle of nowhere.

The sorcerers made their way up the porch and towards the front door, which was cracked open slightly.

As they got closer to the door, they both noticed a strange level of cursed energy coming from within the house.

Gojo got a weird feeling in his belly, feeling somewhat uneasy about the situation.

"There's an odd level of cursed energy coming from inside the house." He observed.

She heard his words and couldn't help feeling a chill in her spine. "Is it possible that the cursed object might be inside?" She asked.

He thought for a moment before responding, "It's possible. But I can't be certain. It could be in here or it could be somewhere else."

He paused for a few seconds, thinking through their next move. He didn't feel good about just assuming that the cursed object was in the house. "We should do a thorough sweep of this house, to make sure the cursed object isn't inside. But, I want you to understand that this could take some time and it won't be easy."

They stepped into the house, which was strangely quiet and still despite being abandoned and in a forest. The walls and floors looked clean and orderly like the whole place had been kept up well. The air was oddly still, devoid of any noise or movement within its spaces.

They moved from room to room, searching thoroughly for any signs of the cursed object. The silence and emptiness were deafening as they checked each space without a peep.

It was as though they were the only two people alive in this place.

As they neared the end of the search, they started to feel a significant amount of cursed energy throughout the house. This feeling increased as they went from room to room until they reached a specific room.

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