Chapter 42

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“Stronger than me”


The air grew thick with tension as the newly awakened goddess—Y/N—turned her gaze upon Dr. Yanagi. Her eyes blazed with crimson fire, a reflection of the wrath and power now coursing through her veins. Dr. Yanagi's triumphant smile had long since faded, replaced by a mask of horror. He stumbled backward, his mind racing for a way to escape the nightmare he had unleashed.

But there was no escape.

With a swift, almost effortless movement, the goddess raised her hand. A searing wave of fiery energy shot from her palm, engulfing Yanagi in an instant. His screams echoed through the facility, a horrifying chorus, as his body was consumed by the flames. The intense heat melted the surrounding equipment and scorched the walls, causing the facility's structure to groan under the strain.

The other facility members watched in terror, frozen in place as their leader was reduced to ashes. The goddess turned her gaze to them, her expression cold and unfeeling. With another flick of her wrist, she unleashed a torrent of fiery energy, reducing them to smouldering piles of ash. The facility trembled, cracks spider-webbing along the walls and ceiling as the structural integrity failed under the onslaught of her power.

Meanwhile, in the room where the others were trapped, the sudden chaos sent the group into a flurry of confusion and panic. The walls shuddered, dust and debris raining down from above. Gojo looked around, his expression tense. "What the hell is happening?" he muttered, his voice barely audible over the rumble of collapsing walls.

Rei glanced at the sealed door, her heart pounding. "It sounds like... destruction," she said, her voice tinged with fear. "Something's breaking the facility apart."

Geto clenched his fists, feeling the helplessness of their situation gnawing at him. He turned to Yaga, who was deep in thought, his face pale. "Yaga, is there any way to stop this?" he asked urgently. "Is there a way to reverse whatever's happening to Y/N?"

Yaga shook his head slowly, frustration evident in his eyes. "I... I can't remember," he admitted, voice strained. "It's been so long since I heard the legend. I only know fragments of it. The details are lost to time."

Before they could delve further into the conversation, a massive explosion rocked the facility. The walls around them crumbled, and the door flew off its hinges, giving them a view of the chaos outside. The group stumbled out, coughing as dust and smoke filled the air. The scene before them was one of utter devastation: walls reduced to rubble, equipment melted and twisted beyond recognition, and the floor littered with debris.

In the distance, they saw her. The goddess stood amidst the ruins, her fiery hair billowing like flames, her eyes glowing with a fierce, otherworldly light. The surrounding air shimmered with heat, distorting her figure slightly. It was clear that Y/N was no longer herself; the goddess had taken full control.

The group stared in horror as they realized the extent of her power. Gojo, usually confident and composed, looked shaken. "She's... stronger than anything I've ever felt," he whispered, eyes wide with disbelief. "Stronger than me."

Desperation etched across their faces, they spotted Dr. Yanagi, who was still miraculously alive, though gravely injured. He lay on the ground, gasping for breath, his clothes were in tears and his skin blistered. Geto rushed over, grabbing Yanagi by the collar and lifting him slightly. "You did this!" he shouted, anger and fear mingling in his voice. "How do we stop her? How do we reverse this?"

Yanagi coughed, blood staining his lips. He struggled to speak, his voice barely a whisper. "You... you have to..."

Before he could say more, the goddess turned her gaze upon them. Her eyes narrowed, and in an instant, she raised her hand. A lance of fiery energy shot forth, striking Yanagi and incinerating him on the spot. His final scream echoed briefly before being swallowed by the roar of the flames.

The group recoiled in horror, watching as the last chance of finding a solution was incinerated before them. The goddess's power was overwhelming, and they knew they were out of options. Yaga's face was ashen, his mind racing for any memory, any scrap of information that could help them.

Gojo, ever the strategist, stepped forward, his usually playful demeanour replaced by a grim determination. "We can't just stand here," he said, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "We have to stop her, or she'll destroy everything. Even if that means..."

He trailed off, not finishing the sentence. The implication was clear. They might have to fight Y/N, the girl they had come to know and care for, now turned into a being of unimaginable power and destruction. The very thought was heartbreaking, but there seemed to be no other choice.

Geto and Rei exchanged a pained glance, understanding the gravity of their situation. Rei's hands trembled slightly, her mind reeling from the recent events. Geto placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, giving her a small nod of encouragement.

Yaga looked at the goddess, standing amidst the destruction she had wrought. His eyes were filled with sorrow and regret. "I should have told her," he murmured, more to himself than anyone else. "Maybe... maybe she could have prepared."

The group stood in silence, the weight of the impending battle heavy on their shoulders. The goddess turned fully towards them, her expression unreadable but radiating an aura of dominance. She was a force of nature, a being beyond human comprehension. And now, they had to confront her, knowing that the outcome could be catastrophic.

As the last remnants of the facility crumbled around them, the four prepared themselves. They knew the battle would be unlike any they had faced before. The goddess, the embodiment of Y/N's untapped power, stood before them, an insurmountable challenge.

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