Chapter 46

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“For us, for Y/N, for all the pain and hope we've felt”


The journey back to Jujutsu High was somber yet filled with a quiet relief. The facility had been destroyed, and Dr. Yanagi, the mastermind behind the Project, had met his end at the hands of the awakened goddess. The Puppeteers' hold on the world had been shattered, but the cost had been steep. The five of them—Y/N, Geto, Gojo, Rei, and Yaga—were exhausted, their bodies and spirits bearing the weight of the battle they had fought.

Upon arrival, they were immediately taken to the campus hospital. The infirmary buzzed with activity as the top jujutsu doctors gathered to examine Y/N, trying to understand the miraculous events that had unfolded. Her revival, the manifestation of the goddess, and her subsequent return to a seemingly normal state were all mysteries that needed unraveling. The doctors conducted numerous tests, scans, and spiritual assessments, hoping to find any traces of the goddess's power still lingering within her.

Y/N lay on the hospital bed, feeling like a specimen under a microscope. The doctors' voices were a constant background hum, discussing theories and possibilities. She felt overwhelmed, but the presence of her friends—who were being treated for their injuries in adjacent rooms—was a comforting reminder that she wasn't alone in this ordeal.

Days passed, and the initial frenzy of medical examinations began to calm. The doctors, while intrigued, couldn't find any lingering trace of the goddess's energy. It seemed that whatever force had brought Y/N back to life had dissipated, leaving her as she was before—human and vulnerable. They speculated that the goddess's power had been a temporary awakening, a final surge that had saved her life before vanishing entirely.

On the day of their release, Y/N, Geto, Gojo, and Rei gathered in the courtyard, breathing in the fresh air with a sense of newfound freedom. They had been through a hellish experience, but they had come out the other side, scarred but alive. As they exchanged quiet smiles and relieved hugs, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something fundamental had shifted within her. The doctors hadn't found any traces of the goddess, but she couldn't forget the power and rage she had felt during her transformation.

Later that evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the campus, Geto sat in his room, strumming his guitar. The melody was soft and melancholic, filled with emotion. He had been working on a song ever since they had returned, pouring his heart into the music as a way to process everything that had happened. The lyrics spoke of loss, hope, and the fragile nature of life—a reflection of their recent experiences.

As he played, there was a soft knock on his door. "Come in," he called, not pausing in his playing.

Rei entered hesitantly, her eyes flickering to the guitar. She had heard snippets of the melody as she passed by his room and had been curious about the song he was working on. "Hey," she greeted softly, closing the door behind her.

Geto looked up and smiled, gesturing for her to sit on the bed. "Hey. I was hoping you'd come by."

Rei settled onto the edge of the bed, watching him with a mixture of curiosity and affection. "I heard you playing. It sounds beautiful. Is it a new song?"

Geto nodded, continuing to strum softly. "Yeah. I wrote it... for everything that's happened. For us, for Y/N, for all the pain and hope we've felt." He paused, glancing at her. "Would you like to hear it?"

Rei's eyes softened, and she nodded. "I'd love to."

Geto took a deep breath, then began to play in earnest. The room filled with the hauntingly beautiful melody, each note resonating with the depth of emotion he felt. The song was a reflection of their journey, the battles they had fought, the losses they had suffered, and the hope that had kept them going. The lyrics, which he sang softly, spoke of longing and love, of the fear of losing those who mattered most.

There goes my heart beating, 

'cause you are the reason, 

I'm losing my sleep, 

please come back now...

Rei listened, her heart swelling with emotion. The song was poignant, capturing the essence of their shared experiences. She could feel the raw emotion in Geto's voice, the pain, and hope that intertwined in each verse. When he finished, she blinked back tears, a small smile playing on her lips.

"That was... amazing," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "You should release it. People need to hear this."

Geto chuckled softly, setting his guitar aside. "Maybe I will. But for now, I'm just glad you liked it."

There was a moment of silence, filled with the weight of unspoken words. Then, almost hesitantly, Rei reached out and took Geto's hand. He looked at her, surprised, but didn't pull away. Their eyes met, and at that moment, something unspoken passed between them—a recognition of the bond that had formed, deepened by their shared experiences.

Without thinking, Geto leaned in, and Rei met him halfway. Their lips met in a gentle, tentative kiss, a soft brush of warmth that sent a shiver down Rei's spine. It was a kiss filled with uncertainty and new beginnings, a tentative step into uncharted territory.

When they pulled away, both were blushing, their hearts racing. Geto looked at Rei, searching her eyes for a reaction. She looked back at him, her expression a mixture of surprise and something deeper, something she wasn't ready to name just yet.

"Um..." Rei started, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I should go. I need to... think."

Geto nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah. Of course. I understand."

Rei stood up, still holding his hand for a moment longer before letting go. She felt flustered, unsure of what to say or do. "I'll... see you tomorrow," she murmured, her cheeks still pink.

"Yeah," Geto replied softly. "Tomorrow."

As Rei left his room, her heart was a tumult of emotions. The kiss had been unexpected, but it had felt right, in a way she couldn't quite explain. She needed to talk to someone, to sort through her feelings. Y/N. She needed to talk to Y/N.

Back in his room, Geto sat in silence for a moment, the taste of the kiss still lingering. He knew that things were changing, that their relationship was evolving into something more complex and beautiful. But for now, he was content to let things unfold naturally, without rushing. They had all been through so much, and they deserved a moment of peace.

He picked up his guitar again, the notes flowing like water, carrying with them the echoes of everything that had been and everything still to come. The future was a mystery, but for the first time in a long time, Geto felt ready to face it. Because no matter what, they had each other. And right now, that was more than enough.

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