Chapter 39

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"You could be a god among humans"


The team, determined and focused, gathered at the entrance of the hidden passage Gojo had discovered. The air was thick with tension, the silence only broken by their cautious footsteps. The narrow corridor before them was dimly lit, its walls rough and cold to the touch. It stretched out like a gaping maw, inviting them deeper into the facility's secrets.

"Everyone ready?" Geto asked, his voice low but steady. He glanced at Rei, who nodded, a determined glint in her eyes. Gojo and Yaga stood behind them, equally resolved.

"Let's move," Gojo said, taking the lead. They advanced into the passage, the walls closing in around them. The air was stale, carrying an unsettling chill that raised the hairs on their arms. It felt as though the facility itself was watching them, waiting for the right moment to spring a trap.

As they moved deeper, the passage narrowed further. It became increasingly difficult to manoeuvre, forcing them to walk in a single file. The darkness seemed to press in from all sides, making it hard to see more than a few feet ahead. The only sounds were their own breaths and the occasional drip of water from the ceiling.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them gave way. The floor tilted, sending them sliding down a slick, metal chute. They tried to grab onto the walls, but the surface was too smooth. They tumbled down, the passage twisting and turning, disorienting them further.

With a harsh thud, they landed in a spacious, brightly lit room. They quickly scrambled to their feet, eyes darting around to assess their new surroundings. The room was stark and clinical, with smooth white walls and a high ceiling. There were no visible doors or windows, just a series of cameras mounted at various angles, watching their every move.

"Damn it," Geto cursed, looking around. "It's a trap."

Rei clenched her fists, frustration and worry flashing across her face. "What do we do now?" she asked, her voice strained.

Gojo tapped his earpiece, but there was only static. "Communication's down," he reported, his usually confident demeanour darkened by concern. "They must have jammed our signals."

Yaga moved to the walls, pressing his hands against them, searching for any hidden exits or controls. "This place was designed to trap us," he said grimly. "We'll need to find another way out."

As they began to search the room for any potential escape routes, the cameras above them swivelled, tracking their movements. It was clear they were being watched, and their captors had the upper hand.

Meanwhile, in another part of the facility, Y/N found herself in a cold, sterile laboratory. The room was lined with various medical equipment, much of which she didn't recognize. The bright lights above cast a harsh glow, making everything feel surreal and unnerving.

Y/N's wrists were bound to the chair she was seated in, the restraints tight but not painfully so. She struggled against them, but it was futile. A door at the far end of the room slid open with a soft hiss, and a tall, thin man in a white lab coat entered. His eyes were cold and calculating behind his glasses, his demeanour calm and professional.

"Good evening," the man said, his voice smooth and devoid of warmth. He approached Y/N, stopping a few feet away. "I am Dr. Yanagi, the head researcher here."

Y/N glared at him, her heart pounding. "Let me go," she demanded, her voice steady despite the fear bubbling within her.

Dr. Yanagi smiled, a chilling expression that didn't reach his eyes. "I'm afraid I can't do that," he replied, adjusting his glasses. "You're quite an unexpected guest. Our records indicated a different individual, but it seems we've captured someone far more interesting."

He picked up a small device from a nearby tray and approached Y/N. She tensed, watching him warily. The device emitted a soft blue glow as he held it near her head. "Just a little scan," he murmured, "to see what secrets you might be hiding."

The device hummed softly as it scanned her, and a small screen on its side displayed a series of complex symbols and readings. Dr. Yanagi studied the screen intently, his expression shifting from mild curiosity to shock, then to a strange, gleeful satisfaction.

"Fascinating," he whispered, his eyes gleaming. He lowered the device, stepping back to look at Y/N. "You see, my dear, we were expecting a girl named Rei. But it seems we've stumbled upon something much more valuable."

Y/N frowned, confusion mixing with her fear. "What are you talking about?" she demanded.

Dr. Yanagi set the device down and began pacing, his excitement barely contained. "The project you've unwittingly become part of is more than just memory suppression," he explained. "It's an endeavour to find and harness extraordinary abilities, to push the boundaries of human potential. We sought Rei for her connection to a specific lineage of powerful sorcerers. But you—"

He paused, turning to face her fully. "You are something far beyond our expectations. According to our readings, you possess the latent potential to become the strongest sorcerer. More powerful than anyone we've ever encountered, even more than Satoru Gojo."

Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief. "You're lying," she shot back, though her voice trembled.

Dr. Yanagi chuckled softly. "Oh, I assure you, I'm not. The readings don't lie. You carry within you the essence of a 'Jujutsu Goddess,' a being of unparalleled power. It's dormant now, but with the right... guidance, it could be awakened."

He moved closer, leaning in with an almost reverent expression. "Imagine it," he continued, his voice hushed with awe. "To wield such power, to reshape reality itself. You could be a god among humans."

Y/N felt a cold sweat break out on her skin. She had always known there was something different about her, but this—this was beyond anything she had ever imagined. "No," she whispered, shaking her head. "I don't want that."

Dr. Yanagi straightened, a cruel smile tugging at his lips. "It's not about what you want, my dear. It's about what we can make of you. You see, Rei was just a stepping stone. But you—you are the real prize. The key to unlocking true power."

He stepped back, gesturing to the equipment around the room. "We will help you realize your potential, and shape you into the greatest sorcerer the world has ever seen. You will become the true form of the Jujutsu Goddess."

The words hung in the air, heavy with implication. Y/N felt a surge of terror and helplessness. They were going to turn her into something she never wanted to be, use her for their twisted experiments. She struggled against the restraints, her mind racing. She had to find a way out and had to warn her friends.

But as Dr. Yanagi turned away to consult a monitor, a cold, hard reality settled over her. She was trapped in a nightmare, at the mercy of people who saw her as nothing more than a tool. The doctor continued his preparations, his expression calm and methodical.

Y/N's fate seemed sealed. The revelation of her latent power and the sinister plans of the organization loomed over her like a dark cloud. She was now a crucial piece in a game she didn't understand, and her only hope lay in the hands of her friends, who were desperately trying to find her. But time was running out, and the true nature of her abilities—once unknown even to her—was now the most dangerous secret of all.

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