Chapter 56

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"And now, I am entrusting her to you"


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the beach, the atmosphere became even more magical. Fairy lights strung around the venue twinkled like stars, adding a warm, romantic ambiance to the celebration. The guests settled at their tables, eagerly awaiting the speeches. A small stage was set up with a microphone stand, and behind it, a grand piano stood ready for its moment.

Gojo was the first to take the stage, his usual confident and playful demeanour shining through. He grinned at the crowd, then turned his gaze to Y/N, his eyes softening. "Well, where do I begin?" he started, his voice carrying easily across the venue. "I remember the first time I met Y/N. She was standing in the hallway of Jujutsu High, completely lost and looking adorably confused. I, being the charming person I am, decided to help her out. Little did I know, I was meeting the love of my life."

He paused, letting the laughter from the guests die down. "We've had some pretty hilarious moments together-like that time we got stuck in the cursed hotel, and instead of panicking, we ended up having a debate about the best ice cream flavour." Gojo chuckled, shaking his head at the memory. "But through all the laughs and the tough times, she's been my rock, my partner in everything. Y/N, you've made me happier than I ever thought possible, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Gojo's speech was met with applause, and as he stepped down, Y/N took his place at the microphone. She smiled warmly at the audience, then looked at Gojo, her eyes filled with love. "Satoru... where do I even begin?" she began, her voice gentle. "You came into my life like a whirlwind, with your jokes and your carefree attitude. I remember thinking, 'This guy can't be for real.' But then you showed me just how real you are-how kind, how brave, and how loving."

She took a deep breath, steadying herself as she continued. "We've faced so much together, from dangerous missions to the everyday challenges of life. But through it all, you've been there for me, making me laugh, holding me when I cried, and just being the most incredible person. Today, standing here with you, I feel like the luckiest person in the world. Thank you for being my everything."

As Y/N finished her speech, the guests erupted into applause, some wiping away tears. Yaga then stood up and walked to the microphone, a rare, soft smile on his face. He cleared his throat, looking around at the assembled guests before focusing on Gojo and Y/N.

"Satoru," he began, his voice steady, "you have been a part of our family for a long time. Watching you grow from a mischievous student into a responsible adult has been... an experience." The crowd chuckled at this, knowing Gojo's reputation. "But today, I am not just speaking as your former teacher. Today, I stand here as a father figure to Y/N. She may not be my daughter by blood, but she has been a daughter in every other sense. And now, I am entrusting her to you."

Yaga paused, his voice thick with emotion. "Take care of her, love her, and cherish her. Y/N, you are not just a part of my life; you are a part of my heart. Seeing you so happy brings me more joy than I can express." Y/N couldn't hold back her tears as Yaga spoke, his words touching the very core of her being. The room was silent, the air thick with emotion, as he stepped down from the stage.

Finally, it was Geto's turn. He walked to the microphone, a mixture of emotions playing across his face. He looked out at the guests, then down at his hands, gathering his thoughts. "I... I honestly never thought I'd be standing here today, seeing my sister marry my best friend," he began, his voice tinged with regret and hope. "We've had our ups and downs, especially with my past... mistakes. And for that, I am truly sorry. But today is not about the past; it's about the future."

He turned to Gojo and Y/N, his expression softening. "Satoru, you are the only person I trust with Y/N's heart. You've been there for her, and you've been there for me, even when I didn't deserve it. Y/N, you've always been my little sister, and seeing you happy means everything to me. I can't put into words how much this day means, so I wrote a song instead."

Geto walked over to the piano, the soft sound of the keys filling the air as he began to play.

Take it
If she gives you her heart don't you break it
Let your arms be a place she feels safe in
She's the best thing that you'll ever have...

The song ended, leaving a hushed silence in its wake, only to be broken by the sound of applause. As Geto stood up, he received hugs and pats on the back from the guests. The emotion in the air was palpable, a testament to the love and bonds shared among them all.

The ceremony concluded with the traditional first dance. The lights dimmed slightly, and the soft glow of the lanterns cast a romantic ambiance over the beach. Gojo took Y/N's hand, leading her to the centre of the makeshift dance floor. The soft strains of a violin began to play, and they swayed together, lost in each other's eyes. Gojo's hands rested gently on Y/N's waist, while hers were draped around his neck. They moved in perfect harmony, their love evident in every step, every touch.

Gojo whispered sweet words to Y/N as they danced, occasionally making her laugh with his light-hearted comments. The guests watched, smiling and wiping away tears, moved by the sight of the couple so deeply in love. It was a dance that spoke of their journey, their triumphs, and their love-a perfect end to a beautiful ceremony.

As the dance came to an end, Gojo and Y/N shared a tender kiss, sealing their vows and beginning their new life together as husband and wife. The guests erupted into applause once more, the air filled with cheers and the sound of celebration. It was a day that would be remembered forever, a perfect blend of love, laughter, and new beginnings.

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