Chapter 45

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"Looks like the goddess had one last trick up her sleeve"


The room was thick with silence, only broken by the faint, ragged breaths of the survivors. The air smelled of smoke and blood, a grim reminder of the battle that had just taken place. The facility, once a fortress of secrets, now lay in ruins, a testament to the chaos that had unfolded within its walls.

Geto knelt beside Y/N's body, his hands trembling as he brushed a strand of hair from her face. Her eyes were closed, her expression peaceful, as if she were merely sleeping. But the blood trickling from the bullet wound on her forehead told a different story. His heart felt like it was being squeezed in a vice, the pain of losing her almost too much to bear. His little sister, his only family, gone.

A strangled sob escaped his lips, and he clenched his fists, nails digging into his palms. He had failed her. They all had. The weight of that failure pressed down on him, threatening to crush him beneath its unbearable heaviness.

Gojo, usually so composed, stood a few steps away, his face pale and drawn. His typically bright blue eyes were dark with grief, and he clenched his jaw, fighting back tears. Rei stood beside him, her hands covering her mouth as she sobbed silently. Yaga, the stoic leader, looked down, his face etched with sorrow and regret.

For a long moment, they all stood there, united in their grief and disbelief. Then, something in Geto snapped. He stood abruptly, his eyes blazing with a mixture of rage and despair. Without a word, he turned and stalked toward the surviving facility members, who were huddled together, wounded and terrified.

"Suguru, wait-" Gojo started, but Geto ignored him.

A feral rage had taken over, the need for vengeance burning hotter than any pain. These people had taken everything from him, from them. They had to pay. He conjured a dark sphere of energy in his hand, his cursed technique flaring to life with a dangerous intensity.

The first facility member barely had time to scream before Geto's attack hit, disintegrating him into nothingness. The others tried to flee, but it was futile. Geto moved with deadly precision, each strike fuelled by his fury and grief. He killed them all, one by one, their cries echoing through the shattered facility. There was no mercy, no hesitation. Only the cold, relentless execution of his anger.

Gojo watched, torn between stopping his friend and understanding his need for retribution. The same dark thoughts lingered in his own mind, but he couldn't bring himself to act on them. Yaga stepped forward, placing a hand on Gojo's shoulder, shaking his head as if to say, Let him.

The last facility member, a young woman barely conscious, looked up at Geto with wide, terrified eyes. "Please..." she whispered, blood trickling from her mouth. "Please, don't..."

Geto stared down at her, his chest heaving with each breath. For a moment, his eyes softened, the human part of him struggling against the monster he had become. But then he remembered Y/N, lying lifeless on the cold floor, and his resolve hardened. With a final, merciless gesture, he ended the woman's life.

The silence that followed was deafening. The facility was a graveyard, filled with the bodies of those who had conspired against them. Geto stood amidst the carnage, breathing heavily, his hands stained with blood. The anger that had driven him dissipated, leaving only a hollow, aching emptiness.

He turned back to his friends, his expression unreadable. Gojo and Rei looked at him with a mixture of shock and understanding, while Yaga's face was set in grim acceptance. They had all lost something today, and Geto's actions were a brutal reflection of that loss.

As the adrenaline faded, exhaustion set in. Geto's shoulders slumped, and he wiped a hand across his face, smearing blood and sweat. "It's over," he muttered, his voice hollow. "They're all dead."

Gojo nodded, though his eyes flickered with concern. "But at what cost?"

Geto didn't answer. Instead, he walked back to Y/N's body, kneeling beside her once more. He reached out, gently cradling her face in his hands. She looked so peaceful, so unlike the vibrant, fiery girl he had known. The girl who had been more than just a friend, more than just a comrade. She had been his sister, his own blood.

As he gazed down at her, something strange happened. A faint, almost imperceptible pulse of energy emanated from Y/N's body. It was so subtle that at first, Geto thought he was imagining it. But then, the pulse grew stronger, and a soft, golden glow began to surround her.

"What's happening?" Rei asked, her voice trembling.

Gojo's eyes widened. "I... I don't know."

The glow intensified, enveloping Y/N's entire body. Her skin, once pale and lifeless, began to regain its colour. Her chest, which had been still moments before, rose and fell with a shallow breath. The bullet wound on her forehead healed, the skin knitting together seamlessly.

Geto's heart leaped in his chest. "Y/N?" he whispered, his voice thick with hope and disbelief.

The golden light faded, and Y/N's eyes fluttered open. She looked up at Geto, confusion and exhaustion in her gaze. "Nii-san...?" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Tears welled in Gojo's eyes, and he let out a shaky breath. "Y/N... you're alive."

Yaga stepped forward, his eyes wide with shock. "This... this isn't possible," he muttered. "She was dead. I saw it."

Rei crouched beside them, her expression a mix of awe and relief. "Looks like the goddess had one last trick up her sleeve."

Y/N blinked, her brow furrowing as she tried to process what had happened. She looked around at the destruction, the bodies, and then back at her friends. "What... what happened?"

Geto smiled, tears streaming down his face. He gently pulled her into a hug, holding her close. "It's a long story," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "But you're safe now. You're back."

The others gathered around them, a sense of relief and joy washing over them. They had fought and suffered, but in the end, they hadn't lost her. Y/N, the girl who had been through so much, who had faced unimaginable darkness, had come back to them.

As they held her close, the reality of the situation began to sink in. The battle was over, but their journey was far from finished. There were still questions to answer, wounds to heal, and a future to face. But for now, they allowed themselves a moment of peace, grateful for the miracle that had brought their friend back to them.

The goddess's power had been a curse, a burden that none of them could fully understand. But in the end, it had also been a gift. It had saved Y/N's life, giving them a chance to continue fighting, to protect each other, and to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they stood together in the ruins of the facility, the golden glow that had revived Y/N lingered in the air, a symbol of hope and resilience. They had faced the darkness and emerged stronger, their bond unbreakable. And though the road ahead would not be easy, they knew they could face it together.

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