Chapter 145: Don't Call It A Comeback.

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Milan, Italy

Today I had my meeting that I had to attend with Gianni Versace and the models that came to dinner with us that day Derek embarrassed me. He expressed that he wanted to have a private conversation with me as well. I was a little scared. Especially because of past experiences. It made me feel uneasy. But others have said he has always been professional. Especially Naomi Campbell. She only ever had good things to say about him. And I trusted her. So that put me in somewhat of a good head space. Especially because I was going to be back out in the model world. I haven't been out since the Oprah interview.

"Okay, how do I look?"

I breathed out asking one of my field assistants on my team.

"You look great." She put her thumbs up.

I turned and looked back at myself in the mirror. For some reason, I felt like I looked terrible. Normally I had Tamara. And she would hire certain people based on what I was attending and who I would be meeting. And she would always make sure that she had the latest dress with accessories added on. But this time, Layla hired a designer, hairstylist, and makeup artist with whom I wasn't familiar, and, was not sure if they would give me the right look for the meeting and event I was attending.

"I don't know if this looks good. No offense." I breathed out harshly looking at my stylist. "Like is this the right look for the event?"

"Iman, it is." He assures. "What you're attending is a private event. It's very intimate. You'll see maybe ten to fifteen people there. And the majority of the people there you already know."

I breathed out again. "Okay."

"Hey." My female assistant placed her hand on my shoulder. "You'll be alright. I know you're nervous because this is the first time, you're doing this without Ta... without her. But you got this. Okay?"

"Okay." I nodded.

"Call if you need us to come get you early. We'll have a car there right away. Otherwise, it will come at the scheduled time."

"Alright, thanks."

After some last-minute touches to my face and hair, I got up and headed outside to the limo. I was still in panic mode. I couldn't stop squeezing into my squish ball. I had stopped scratching my neck and skin, so it was clearing up. And I wanted it to stay the way.

As the car pulled up to the venue, I placed the ball inside my small wrist bag and turned to exit as the door was held open for me. I looked up to see the venue. The building was big from the outside. And that scared me. I'm just hoping the inside is different.

I was escorted to the front doors and walked in after showing them my guest card. Then I was directed towards a room in the corner. And yes, just as my assistant said. It was a small intimate meeting or event. The room had Gianni Versace's decor written all over it.

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