Chapter One.

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It was hot on the Spanish coast one late summers evening when Jay decided to take a late walk along the beach.
It had been a busy year for Jay and a very emotional one at that not that she could really moan about much especially after winning 500 million on the euro millions earlier that year before fleeing her life from England. Despite a luxury villa on the Spanish resort 'La Soledad' which she owned and more money than she knew what to do with she was missing something and she hadn't quite put to place what it was yet.

It was the summer of the 2023 FIFA Womens World Cup coming up and as an ex pro herself from her youth days and a huge womens football fan she could hardly pass up the opportunity to house the Spanish Womens national team at her resort for the upcoming tournament in Spain. Jay knew their national team manager Emma Hayes from her youth days at Arsenal and they shared a very deep and personal connection, Emma was like the mother she never had and understood Jay and her issues.
When Emma reached out to Jay, Jay didn't hesitate to provide a more than adequate set up for the players on the one basis. That she would only let them stay if they didn't pay a penny whilst here, she was well aware of their late issues with their previous manager and thought that they could save their money and invest in the players instead, this agreement would stay between them as a thank you to Emma for her support towards Jay as a youth player.
Jay was aware that tomorrow the national team would arrive and she looked forward to seeing what she would endeavour having a small insight to their journey whilst staying at the same resort.

Jay lived in a large villa on the resort a bit further away from the other apartments and the closest to the beach, she enjoyed living here and relaxing by herself, she loved the staff here and felt at peace. But there was something Jay got up to that would see her life always be chaotic but also full of spontaneity that she dearly craved. Sex, Jay craved it she was like a horny teenager and since she came to the resort it was known by all who worked there that Jay liked to mess around with different girls that came home with her. Jay treated them well and by all means looked after them while they were with her but she just did not see anyone worthy of settling down with. She was still scared about settling down or quite frankly letting anyone in on a deeper scale, Jay knew she had issues and knew that not many people would stick around for it so she kept her sexual partners at length ending the pleasure they shared before they got too attached.

Jay had gotten out of a tough relationship last year with her long time ex girlfriend Harriet, the relationship itself was great but it was her mother in law who made the decisions about Harriet's life. Harriet's mother did not believe Harriet was gay and wanted her to have a normal life and made Jays life a living hell.
One evening at Harriet's birthday party her mother whilst drunk told Jay her daughter would be better off dead and this led to a physical altercation. Jay having years of martial arts background did not take this comment lightly and after being slapped around the face retaliated with Harriet's mother coming worse off.
Harriet trying to do what's right by her family decided to choose them because of Jays fiery temper and lack of control. This happy relationship was ended as planned by her mother in law from hell and the two went their separate ways with Jay moving away and Harriet later meeting her now boyfriend who now Jay does to think of it was probably lined up and waiting by Harriet's mother.

Jay later went on to win the lottery and fled the country without even saying goodbye and looked to start a fresh leaving a best friend in her brother Jack and her two young nephews Jacob and Joshua behind, though they stayed in touch Jack knew he had to let Jay go so she could try and find happiness. Spain was the destination of choice mainly because of her love for football and off she went hoping that one day she would find the one who deserved her and who she also deserved but first she vowed it have some fun. Jay didn't make any plans for the future she just wanted to enjoy her life and her new found riches without losing too much of her true self on the way.

Jay since coming into money had too much time on her hand and whilst had made a solid investment in La Soledad she spent most of her time spending money on expensive clothes cars and going out and picking up expensive women.
As clean as Jay was women were like her drug, she was a very friendly person and it always led to the one thing that perhaps she didn't need. Sex.
What she needed was genuine connection, what people were after was her money and status that she had almost gained overnight.
Jay didn't mind this too much as she saw she had money to burn and she wanted to enjoy her life so why the fuck not sleep around. She's not hurting anyone they always both had a good time. But it would take one kind of person, one very special person to make her realise what she wanted all along.

Jay had just come back from her evening walk and went and spoke to staff and management to ensure everything was perfect for the Spanish Womens team arrival the next day, she has spoken to their national team manager and adapted the gym to suit their needs and make their stay as easy as possible. There were football pitches on site due to her own love of football anyway so Emma was content with this destination choice and it would be far away from the media due to the new improved security staff that Jay had employed for this tournament. All other bookings were declined so that players could relax at the spa in their free time, the only other guest on the resort would be Jay.

Jay went back to her room excited for the next 3 months that would follow as the tournament didn't kick off for another 2 weeks, she went to sleep that night with a smile on her face that perhaps she could be a part of something big with this special squad, one she was very aware of and also a huge fan of.

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