Chapter Three

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Jay now all showered and dressed makes her way over to the dining area where it was likely she would see the girls. "Hola girls" she waved at everyone whilst walking through the dining area.
Jay grabs herself a caramel macchiato and starts looking through her social media after throwing herself down in a seat.
Jay sipping at her drink gets an uneasy feeling someone is staring at her and looks up to see what this burning feeling is in her head. It's Alexia, wow she was stunning, Jay threw her a deep smile and could of sworn she saw Alexia blushing. Jay smiled to herself before being interrupted by a tattooed blonde who had appeared in her line of sight.
"Mapi, is the name. This resort is beautiful. I heard you own it. Gracias for letting us stay.
How can you afford a place like this?" She asks chin on her hands with a big gleaming grin on her face.
"Hola Mapi I'm Jay, not a problem at all. Happy to have you girls here, haha I won the lottery last year so I thought I better invest it wisely. Can I ask you something." Mapi nods "Si" you move closer to her ear and ask smoothly "Is Alexia single?".

Mapi smiling even wider now exclaims "Si" before whispering "and you are just her type".
"She's beautiful Mapi, I would love to get to know her. I can see there is something about her and I am a big football fan of hers". Jay pauses realising she is the one now staring and turns her attention to Mapi who at this point is overloaded with excitement to spread some romantic gossip.
"I have to go shortly, I have a party to go shopping for, if you're up later when I get back fancy a chat?" Asks Jay.
"If im awake yes, if not I'll see you tomorrow as we have the whole day free if you're about" questions Mapi.
"I don't plan on going anywhere tomorrow after tonight" laughs Jay before embracing Mapi and watching Mapi leave her table and join the one Alexia, Jenni and Leila were sat at.

Mapi joins Alexia's table eager to share the good news. "La Reina, someone was asking about you". Mapi looked like she was about to burst before Alexia scolded her "don't call me that!" followed quickly by "why what did she say?" and blushing instantly. 

Jay was shortly joined at her table by Emma and straight away they went into deep conversation, Alexia could see them laughing and found herself feeling warm inside. She felt intrigued by Jay but couldn't work out why. After ten minutes of talking Jay excuses herself and makes her way towards the exit of the dining room when she is stopped by a member of staff Gabriella who asks if she could have tomorrow off as her childcare had cancelled, Jay without even flinching lets her know that's fine and lightly touches her shoulder letting her know it truly was fine. Alexia could see that Gabriella was nervous and Jay acknowledged her and also calmed her down making Alexia smile gently.
"And they called it puppy looooooooveeee" sung Mapi opposite Alexia who in turn immediately reacted by throwing a grape in Mapi's direction. Jay turned at the outburst and smiled in their direction and left the dining room.

Jay gets changed into the appropriate attire and ventures out into the city to do a spot of retail shopping for a party she has been invited to tonight. Jay is a brand snob and knows exactly what she wants to wear and where to get it, the luxury of having a lot of money and a lot of free time. Although she liked designer things this was all still new to Jay as she had a poverty stricken lifestyle growing up and now felt as though she was making up for lost time by spoiling herself whenever she deemed necessary.
It's warm today so Jay settles for a pair of denim shorts, open white shirt with her trademark dark sunglasses, which she used to hide how she was truly feeling but also because it meant she could check out the women she desired without making them uncomfortable.

Jay decides she will drive her Porsche today as it's warm and has a soft top she can put up and down as she pleases, she goes to the garage and starts to drive off music blaring before seeing a woman who she could only describe as breathtaking walk past the front of her car and towards the apartment closest to her villa.
Jay almost had to close her mouth with her hand she felt like she was staring that hard. Jay knew who it was it was her again, Alexia Putellas, everyone knew her but her beauty in person was astonishing. Her hazel eyes looked over as she heard the Porsche come to a complete stop, a brief smile from her and one back from Jay before she closed the door leaving Jay not alternative but to drive away grinning to herself.

Alexia closed the door blushing, Irene grinning having caught that interaction before bringing Alexia back to earth with "Capi, you good?".
Alexia bright red at this point, "Si Irene iiii, just hot from the sun, I'm going to unpack. Thank you for exploring with me."
Irene knowing Alexia for a long time kept her thoughts to herself and allowed Alexia to go about her business without interfering but deep down knowing that she may have a little crush on Jay.

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