Chapter Five

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Jay was nervous about tonight, she didn't feel like she fit in at these parties and only went because she wanted to be socially accepted by her peers. Peers she felt she had no right to be around and that they invited her due to her money. Jay was insecure but faked her confidence in the stupid jokes she told and the fake charm she put on, she didn't want a lot in life she just wanted to be loved and accepted. She knew this environment tonight was not the answer but she was going anyway.

Jay was just closing up her villa balcony doors when she head all the girls arriving back from training with their pastries cheering and waving at her, she laughed and waved back before finishing getting ready. She had gone for a black Gucci shirt with the Gucci pattern on it and the matching shorts, leaving the shirt open showing her bra, tan and abs off. She felt good she liked what she was wearing and opted for her blonde hair down tonight as it was likely she would end up bringing Flo back with her. She sprayed her perfume for the millionth time and grabbed her car keys before locking up and walking to the bar area to buy some expensive wine to take with her.

On the way to the bar Jay was walking with her head down aimlessly scrolling on her phone when all of a sudden she banged into someone with a thud, a thud that covered her in a cold coffee. "LO SIENTO!" said the voice before Jay looked up to see Alexia covered in coffee and holding a pastry that she had clearly earned after her training session.
Jay apologised to Alexia and reminded her its fine, Alexia clearly embarrassed apologised again and got worried. Jay laughed and said "honestly its fine I don't like getting there til late anyway, that way everyone is drunk and I can stay sober" Alexia "are you going to a party? I am so sorry" her face a crimson red.
"I am but im going to need some help choosing a new outfit now aren't I" Alexia feeling dumber than ever began to tell Jay that "Mapi is good at styling...." Before Jay cut her off grabbing her by the wrist and dragged her off to her apartment to help her find a new outfit.
"Okay i need to shower quick, my wardrobe is in that room" pointing Alexia in the large walk in wardrobe in the bigger bedroom before disappearing into the bathroom.
"Que?" Alexia looked puzzled, "i need your help i need a new outfit asap, ill be 5 minutes max" before flashing a pretty please face in the Spanish captains direction.
Alexia walked in and had never seen so many designer clothes all neatly hung up on racks. She opted for black ripped skinny jeans with a Balenciaga shirt and black matching trainers and laid them out on the bed.
Jay appeared 5 minutes later wrapped in a towel tanned skin gleaming because it was still wet from the shower, Alexia finding it hard not to look went to find a belt to go with the jeans. Jay instantly liked the outfit choice and asked abruptly "would you like me in this?" Alexia not to be backed down "Si, you will look good in this" and smiling with a look in her eyes that Jay noticed briefly.
Jay not wanting Alexia to feel uncomfortable thanked her for her help and told her "i prefer you choice anyway" before saying bye. They briefly hugged maybe staying together longer than most Alexia almost gasping at Jays wet skin around hers before Jay thanked her and excused herself to get ready... again.

Mapi was waiting at Alexia's door as eagle eyed as ever trying to follow her in before Alexia shut the door in her face not ready to listen to Mapi's childish gossip that she wanted to spread about the team. Alexia laid on her bed and pondered on the interaction that her and Jay just had before brushing it off and instead turning her attention to the upcoming friendly on Saturday and got right down to the stats Emma had provided her with earlier.
Alexia was still distracted and could smell Jay's shower gel on her, it smelt like cocoa butter and it was driving her insane, Alexia felt completely out of her comfort zone what was wrong with her.

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