Chapter Fourteen

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The sun beamed through the windows hitting Alexia square in the face, she woke up not feeling tired and felt oddly comfortable even though she was clearly not in her own room, she felt Jays strong arms wrapped around her and exhaled in happiness before nuzzling back into her neck area.
Jay felt this movement and started to stir before waking up to check Alexia was okay. Seeing Alexia with her eyes closed still Jay slumped back down. "Morning Jay" "Ale you're awake. Did you sleep okay?"
"Si, did you?" "Better than the night before that's for sure".
The two of them laid there for a moment both with their eyes closed, clearly relaxed in each others presence neither wanted to move from each other.
Alexia's phone gently buzzed on the side, it was 7:30am "Emma has called a team meeting about tomorrows game" Alexia said frowning.

"What time is the meeting?" Jay asked eyes still closed. "9am why?".
"Come back here and go to sleep mi amor" Jay requested holding her arms open for Alexia who immediately fell straight back into them with ease. Jay was so calm in the mornings thought Alexia, a very different side to her she had not seen, it was refreshing and sincere and made Alexia feel more relaxed than she'd ever felt with anyone else.
"Jay?" "Hmmm" mumbled Jay softly. "Thank you, for the other night for last night, I don't know how to tell you how grateful I am...." Alexia didn't get to finish her sentence because Jay kissed her on the forehead and started softly stroking her hair and shushed her to remind her it's okay. And within 5 minutes they had both drifted off again.

45 minutes later both are woken up by Alexia's alarm, "eurgh, nooooooooo" groaned Jay who was now clearly sulking. Alexia sat up Jays hands met her waist trying to drag her back down "5 more minutes" Alexia chuckled "Bonita as much as I want to stay as captain I cannot miss this meeting" Jay started slamming her arms and legs down on the bed pretending to have a tantrum before shoving a pillow over her face.
Alexia burst into laughter "Jay you are a clown". Jay appeared behind the pillow visibly sulking "but I was so comfy".
Alexia yanked the pillow away before meeting Jays face with the palm of her hand stroking her warm cheek "come to breakfast with me?".

Jay suddenly remembered her plans to catch a plane back to England, "I need to do something but I can meet you there in half n hour?".
"Si don't be late, before I go can we exchange numbers? If that's okay?" Jay nodded and smiled as Alexia's cheeks went red. She passed Alexia her phone and Alexia quickly typed her digits in before grinning and walked out of the villa shouting "Half an hour Jay I will  have your caramel macchiato waiting".
Jay unlocked her phone to see 'Ale 💜' saved and she melted back down into her bed, clutching her phone at her chest.

Alexia reached the canteen area, her phone gently buzzing the message reading 'Miss you already' Alexia felt her stomach flip and laughed before walking over to her teammates.
Alexia hadn't long sat down before Mapi appeared, "Alexia, someone is at your apartment demanding to see you?". "Who?" a perplexed Alexia asks. "Olga" Mapis voice drops off and Alexia's stomach churns at the thought. Why now?

Jay decides to cancel her flight to England that she was meant to leave on later tonight and thinks if the next few days can be as good as last night she won't end up going anytime soon. She gets showered and dressed and heads on over to the dining area with an unusual spring in her step. She's just about to walk past Alexia's apartment when Alexia and Olga walk out, Alexia's eyes immediately meet Jays and she knows it's not looking good when she spots Jays face drop instantly.
Olga clocks Jay and walks over to shake her hand and thank her for looking after Alexia the other night, (in Spanish) "Hola, thank you for looking after my girl the other night". Jay as blunt as they come walks straight into the outstretched arm and past Olga and says rudely "sorry I don't speak Spanish" and walks off.

"Olga, I am not your girl!" "Bebe please, we both care for each other, also what is her problem?" She asks referring to Jay. "Olga we are not together, and we haven't been for about two months. I don't know why you are here?" "Carino please? Give me another chance?".
Alexia did not like that pet name coming from Olga anymore.

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