Chapter Thirty Four

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Settling back down in the villa after a long hot shower and changing into fresh comfy clothes the girls had opted for a quiet movie night due to going out tomorrow to the nightclub opening.
Misa and Jenni had opted for a scary film, knowing they will ultimately end up scaring everyone the rest of the camp as a result of this.
Jay settled in one of the giant bean bags and grabbed Alexia to sit on top of her, bringing her into a passionate kiss. Alexia felt the temptation to part Jays lips with her tongue it was so hard not to knowing she could taste Jays lips on hers and the fact she was basically straddling her.
"Get a room!" Aitana called making everyone stare and laugh at the girls.
Alexia slid down next to Jay and allowed her girlfriend to wrap her arms around her bringing her in tightly.

The film they had chosen was the newest Halloween, Alexia hated scary films and clutched on to Jay tightly throughout it causing Jay to chuckle frequently about her girlfriends behaviour.
Alexia was basically not watching the film and was only staring at Jay who was watching it.
She kept kissing Jays neck not that she was complaining but Alexia needed distracting.
She turned Jays head to face hers and pointed to her lips and Jay happily obliged bringing a kiss to the Spanish girls lips.
Alexia wanted more and Jay spent the rest of the movie kissing Alexia whenever she asked.

The pair was so in love and so quickly, they couldn't be apart they had to touch each other constantly. Alexia watched Jay watching the film and seeing her face glow in the background of the screen made her smile. To her she was perfect, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her, she'd had girlfriends before but not like this.
"I love you" she whispered into Jays ear, Jay replied with a deep kiss.
"I love me too" which earned a smack from Alexia who laughed.
"Do you love me?" She asked again.
Jay pulled her into a deep kiss "si, more than you'll ever know, now stop being a baby and watch the film".
Alexia turned at the wrong time to pay attention and ultimately it scared her causing her to let out a loud scream.
"Ay dios mio!" Everyone started laughing La Reina was such a princess sometimes.

After the movie the pair made their way to Jays villa cuddled up in bed, Jay gently tracing the outlines of Alexias tattoos as she drifted off.

Alexia was awoken by someone walking around the room, it was Jay and it was the middle of the night.
"Amor are you okay?" She asked covers up to her face knowing something was wrong.
"Where are my shin pads?" Jay shouted aggressively.
"Que?" Alexia was confused as she was watching her girlfriend now pulling out drawers looking for something.
"Mum where are my shin pads?" It was at that moment Alexia realised Jay was still asleep and was sleep walking. She knew she wasn't meant to wake her up so she watched closely making sure she didn't come to any harm. Ten minutes went by and Alexia was still watching holding her breath.
Before Jay awoke stood in the middle of the room and looking around confused before looking at Alexia who was wide eyed staring at her.
"I'm sorry amor, was I sleep walking?" She asked sitting down on the edge of the bed putting her head in her hands.
"Si are you okay? Is this a usual thing?".
"No Bebe only when I have stuff on my mind. I used to do it a lot as a child, but not for ages. I guess today was a bit much. Sorry. I didn't hurt you did I?!" She spins round as she asked the last question.
"No Bebe I was just frightened because you were so confused" Alexia now rubbing her back gently.
"Sorry I just never want to hurt you, it freaks me out" she said quietly.
"Bonita I am fine I know you wouldn't hurt me you need to trust yourself a bit more, now come here" opening her arms for Jay to relax into.
It didn't take Jay long to nod back off asleep but for Alexia it took longer. She remembered Emma's words about Jay having issues in the past due to her childhood and she felt to understand her better and to look after her she would need to ask Emma some things.

The next morning Jay woke Alexia up by jumping on the bed like an absolute fool. "Todays the day amor! We're opening the club tonight!" Alexia groaned but couldn't help but laugh she loved Jays childish nature. It was a far sight from her trauma last night that was for sure.
"But first we need to get dressed and have coffee and breakfast and then I was thinking that we could do some retail therapy for tonight?" Wiggling her eyebrows in the most ridiculous way she could to annoy Alexia.
Alexia laughed deeply and hid her face under the duvet which Jay instantly stopped by pulling the duvet off the entire bed.
"ALEXIA PUTELLAS SEGURA THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN SPEAKING..." and before she could even finish the stupid phrase she was about to shout out of her mouth she was hit in the head with a pillow causing her to jump on top of Alexia who was now screaming like a child as Jay began tickling her to get her up.
"STOP! I hate being tickled" Alexia whined, Jay being the loving girlfriend she is decided to pepper Alexias entire body with really annoying small kisses which was enough to make the captain push her off and run into the bathroom and lock the door knowing she would be chased down by her girlfriend who was already in an excited mood as it was.

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