Chapter Seven

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Jay awoke early the next day to say goodbye to Flo who had to rush off to catch her flight. Jay showered and made her way down to the gym where she met Alexia who clearly couldn't sleep either and was in a very hardcore workout. They both sheepishly say "good morning' and continue their individual workouts. Jay is running on the treadmill nearly at 7k but also keeping a close eye on Alexia who is lifting weights behind her, Jay can't help but notice she looks tired and drained and keeps stopping for a breather.
Jay asks "how long have you been in here for?" Alexia looks at her watch and replies "90 minutes?" And then adds more weight onto the bar.
Alexia is focused and does not want to be distracted, Jay was the same she took her workouts very seriously and both continue as they were before.

Jay can see Alexia is struggling with this set and jumps off the treadmill to help her, Alexia stands up but her legs give way and Jay can see she is light headed, Jay grabs her by the waist and holds her up immediately concerned for her welfare before lifting her onto the massage bed to support them both. Alexia is not really with it still, Jay takes her top off and drenched it in cold water and starts wiping at Alexia's forehead trying to cool her down. It starts working and Alexia seems a lot more with it and sits up as Jay brings a bottle of cold water to her lips. Jay asks gently "are you okay Ale?" whilst looking deeply concerned. Jay leans in closer to observe Alexia who clearly is not okay at this point.

Alexia heard herself being called 'Ale' and grabbed Jay towards her into a kiss before realising what she had done she had pulled away "joder! I am so sor" she is cut off quickly as Jay puts her hands behind Alexia's head and kisses her deeply. Jays lips feel soft and gentle but passionate at the same time. It was a kiss full of built up tension, and Alexia although enjoying it immediately come to her senses and pushed Jay back off of her. Alexia stands up apologising once more and says "please don't tell Emma about me fainting" and runs out the room before Jay could reply.

Jay puts her hands to her lips and wonders what the hell just happened, Alexia kissed her and she kissed her back. Jay felt warm and content but then soon realised how awkward this is going to be as clearly Alexia had made a mistake by kissing her, she could only gather it from the rapid disappearance Alexia made. Jay felt like an idiot, this is why she stays away from people like Alexia all she does is hurt them.

Jay too worked up to work out leaves the gym and goes to the sea for a dip before showering and getting ready for breakfast. Breakfast. Where Alexia will likely be. And the whole team. And Emma.
Jay immediately felt apprehensive but was quickly sidetracked by a friendly "morning" it was Emma. Okay she clearly didn't know. Jay smiled and returned the friendly morning chatter before heading to the dining room for breakfast.
Breakfast was in full flow when Jay arrived and she quickly found the table which was hidden away from everyone seeing her, but it was too late "Hola Jay, how was your night with Florence" before making kissing sounds.
Oh shoot, yeah that Jay. That happened last night too. Fuck!
Jay goes red and laughs Mapis gesture off and grabs a caramel macchiato before finding her table.

Mapi still giggling away to herself notices Alexia looking nervously over at Jay and is intrigued. "Mi Amor what is going on in that head of yours?" Tapping at Alexia's head with a spoon.
Alexia grumpier this morning swats Mapi away and tries to avoid the question by playing with her food that clearly she isn't going to eat. Alexia needed to eat, her fainting episode in the gym this morning was not what she needed to have one day before game day, if Emma found out she'd be dropped right before the World Cup and with good reason too.

Alexia still in her thoughts is interrupted by a bowl of porridge and fruit being slid in front of her quite quickly followed by "you need to eat otherwise I'll tell Emma about what happened in the gym this morning" Alexia looked up to see Jay with a warning face.
Jay then left she didn't want to upset Alexia but she also didn't want to be the reason she was unwell this morning. Jay was more than happy to play the villain that way she couldn't  hurt Alexia whilst caring for her at the same time.
"Wait what happened this morning." asked a very confused Mapi. Alexia started eating her porridge completely avoiding the question before scolding the blonde to "keep your voice down".

Jay didn't have much planned today and would probably hang around the resort and catch some sun whilst relaxing. She had been busy lately trying to close in on a deal where she would be the new owner of a female only club and next Monday she would be hoping to sign for the deeds, she was excited about this and could see that it would be a huge success should she promote it the right way.
Deep in thought Jay jumped in the pool quickly before laying on a sun lounger hoping to get a tan quicker than just laying there.
Jay heard the gate open to her villa, she sees Mapi making her way over. "Hola Jay, what happened in the gym this morning. Is Alexia okay? She won't tell me".
Jay ushered Mapi over not trying to have anyone over hear.
"Alexia fainted in the gym this morning Mapi, she is obviously pushing herself too hard. You need to keep an eye on her I don't want to break her trust by telling Emma. I like her and I don't want to mess it up by ruining the little friendship we already have".
Mapi was shocked "Si, I get why she doesn't want Emma to know. I've got Alexia don't you worry". Jay believed Mapi before Mapi spins back around saying "wait you like Alexia?" wiggling her eyebrows at Jay.
Jay laughed "how can you not, she's hot. Besides I don't think anything will happen she seems to focused to be with a clown like me".
Mapi leaving the villa now shouted "there is nothing wrong with clowns Jay i am a clown" before giggling to herself.

"Alexia, let me in we need to talk.... In private!" Shouted Mapi at Alexia's door where she was currently rooming with Irene.
Alexia opens the door not in the mood to talk to Mapi about whatever gossip she may have now but opening the door she sees the concern on Mapi's face. "Bedroom now, we need to talk". Alexia skulks off towards her room lays on her bed and sees Mapi closing the door arms folded across her chest looking disappointed. "Well, what happened in the gym this morning?" Asked Mapi expecting an answer she already knew.
"Nothing I was just working out...". "Alexia do not lie to me! I just spoke to Jay she told me what happened".

Alexia sits bolt up right eyes wide open "Mapi, no you cannot tell anyone. I kissed her she then kissed me back. It was an accident I felt unwell she helped me, I don't know why but I kissed her, I liked it I don't know, Mapi can you say something please?!" Mapi stood open mouthed and said "YOU KISSED?!" and began to silently scream like a girl bringing her hands to her face waving them about rapidly.

"Wait, what did Jay actually tell you?" asked Alexia eyes wider than ever who clearly had just realised her rather large error. "She told me you fainted and she was worried, but Capitan you dark horse. You kissed her? And she kissed you back? Alexia I am impressed hermosa".
Alexia buried her face into her hands clearly annoyed she had accidentally let slip what actually happened. Mapi puts her arm around the Spain skipper and pulls her close reassuring her "Jay likes you, she thinks you're hot. I know you're not looking for anything but for once Ale let yourself go" before kissing her head lovingly.
"Now, the fainting is not okay we will relax today and make sure you are adequately hydrated and fed ready for the game tomorrow. Get your bikini on its rest days which means we are resting Amor". Mapi lifting Alexia off the bed and hurrying her to do the tasks she just set her. Alexia groaned at Mapi but knew her friends intentions were those of good will.

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