Chapter Eleven

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Jay was woken up to a knock on her villa door, it was head of security. "Sorry boss just to let you know we have woken up today to some of the cctv wires having been cut" Jay as confused as ever rubbed her eyes at her front door, "hang on let me chuck some clothes on and ill come down". Jay grabbed a T-shirt and shorts and made her way to the security station, there as clear as day was the entire left hand side of the resort had its cameras not working. "They have been cut boss" Jay was so confused "someone deliberately did this? Order new ones right now i don't care about the cost. Also 3 more security guards need to arrive today". The head of security nodded and Jay left, Jay went back towards her villa and was met by Emma who she didn't want to worry but had a responsibility to inform.
Emma completely understood and made sure to slightly inform the players without freaking them out. They were now to stay in pairs tonight before the new cameras got installed tomorrow. The team weren't concerned, they were used to people trying to get to them they found that with their new found fame came weird people.

The rest of the day the majority of the team was hungover, and they spent it eating and drinking lots of water and followed by a lot of siestas in the sun.
Everyone had low energy and they needed a pick me up before resuming their busy schedules tomorrow, Jay grabbed Emma and told her of her plan to get a cinema projector and screen fitted and plenty of big bean bags for the team so they could have a relaxing night before tomorrow. Emma loved the idea and thanked Jay for her kindness towards the team.

That night Jay led the team to the new cinema room and welcomed them in, the girls were buzzing and Mapi began the thank yous by hugging Jay and wrapping herself around her waist.
Alexia felt content, this was such a nice gesture from Jay and her team needed a pick me up but also a night of relaxation before tomorrows hard training session.
The girls all chose to watch Lion King, it was a team favourite it wasnt too difficult to watch and they could sing all the songs.
Popcorn was available at anytime because of course Jay bought a popcorn wagon too, Jay sat at the back of the room on a beanbag big enough to be a bed. She was joined by Alexia who politely thanked her "Jay this whole cinema night is perfect, you are always looking after my team" Jay smiled she knew Alexia sincere and she replied as smartly as she could "hakuna matata, it means no worries" this set Alexia off she belly laughed so hard she got shushed by everyone else in the room.
"You are funny ill give you that" Jay smirked "what else am i?" Alexia stopped laughing and stuttered "erm, I don't kno" Jay cut her off "shush watch the film" Alexia muttered in Spanish and went back to watching the film. Jay was watching the film closely stuffing popcorn in her mouth, Alexia eating out of the same bowl, everyone knew what scene was coming up and when Alexia's hand stopped touching Jays in the bowl she was met by Alexia gently crying. Jay instantly pulled her in and squeezed her tightly and gently played with her hair, she realised Alexia was likely thinking about her own father who she had lost but didn't speak to Jay about. Jay didn't say anything but held Alexia tightly letting her know it was okay, Alexia must of felt safe because she gently drifted off in Jays arms.
Jay kept feeling Alexia twitch as she was dozing off which made her smile, she felt good here holding Alexia it just felt right. Shortly after Alexia was woken up to applause, the film had finished and for some reason Mapi decided to clap for the film she had seen a million times.
Alexia sat up rubbing her eyes and was met with Jay smiling at her, she smiled back "sorry Jay, im such rubbish company". "You are the best company, I wasn't watching the film anyway" Alexia frowned "what were you watching then?" "Something i don't think ill ever be able to take my eyes off" and with that Jay winked at Alexia leaving her blushing.

"Right, that's it everyone go and get some water to take to bed its an early start tomorrow" Emma shouted interrupting Alexia and Jay's conversation.
"Night Jay, see you tomorrow?" "Sweet dreams Ale, ill see you tomorrow".

Jay now back at her apartment, was sat on her balcony looking over the bar area where all the players were scurrying to get water before saying good night. Alexia waved goodnight to Jay and entered her apartment, Jay was relaxing when she heard a noise to her left from the bushes, for a second she thought she could see someone and then she couldnt.
Jay not wanting to take any chances due to her security breach made her way to the courtyard of her villa, when she arrived there she saw a black shadow scurrying up the drain pipe towards Alexia's room, Jay looked up and saw Irene chatting to Emma over by the bar. "Irene, i need your keys, NOW! Emma call the police!" Irene chucked Jay her keys and Emma didn't hesitate to call the police. Jay opened the apartment door and ran upstairs to Alexia's room where she was sat up in bed "JAY?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU" Jay grabbed Alexia and ran down the hallway to the bathroom, "listen to me you do not come out of here until i come back and get you. Lock the door and only open it for me" Alexia was petrified "someone's in here, i don't have time to get you out safely, do you trust me" Alexia crying nodded. Jay kissed her forehead "lock the door behind me".

And with that Jay was gone, no longer than 30 seconds later Alexia heard glass smash and someone entering the apartment followed by two people fighting. Jay had hidden herself by the window so when the intruder entered she would be ready. Jay was a black belt but she also had a nasty temper especially when it came to those who she cared about. The man entered and looked at the empty bed, Jay noticed he was wearing a balaclava. Jay threw herself at him smashing them both through the bedroom door wood splintering into the two of them. They both stood up the man now pulling a knife from his waistband, Jay could hear sirens but they were not close enough, she swallowed and bit down and began to fight the man, she stunned him hitting him in the side of his head with a rear leg roundhouse kick, she then push kicked him making him drop the knife he scrambled towards it not before she stamped on his hand as hard as she could. She was angry now, she jumped on his back and wrapped her arms around his neck and put him in a rear naked choke, he gasped for air but she would not budge. Soon she had police grabbing her demanding she let go of him.

Emma arrived "listen to me, let go Jay, you've done it, its over" Jay felt the black cloud lift off of her and released her grip the man was still breathing but was very much unconscious.
The police cuffed him up and dragged him outside to a nearby car, the girls waited outside scared shitless. "Where is Alexia?" Emma asked desperately. With that Jay ran to the bathroom and let Alexia know it was her. Alexia opened the door and pulled her inside, she was a mess crying so hard. Jay was numb, Alexia pulled her into a hug and felt the back of Jays head was wet, she pulled her hands back and saw blood. "JAY YOURE BLEEDING ARE YOU OKAY?" "I'm okay, are you okay. The police have him you are safe".

Alexia pulled Jay towards her and kissed her, it was a deep kiss filled with passion but also fear. Alexia needed Jay right now and returned the kiss. They both felt it, from that moment on things would not be the same between them, it couldn't. Their kiss was interrupted by a knock on the door "girls the police need to see you're okay, Alexia sweetheart?" It was Emma she was worried, Jay gently opened the door Alexia behind her grabbing at Jays scuffed up hand. Emma guided them both out, Alexia was gobsmacked by the amount of damage and been done, she saw the knife on the floor and she immediately fainted.
Alexia was woken up by worried paramedics, Jay was getting her head wound treated whilst observing Alexia from a distance.
Alexia listened to the paramedics and Emma attended the hospital with her, Jay refused and had her head stapled at scene and was given painkillers for the night.
Jay immediately pulled everyone from their rooms and into the cinema room and made her security guard that room alone.

Jay was heartbroken, how could she let this happen? "Mi amor, come and sit with us. We need you" Mapi appeared begging Jay to be with the girl. Jay broke down in tears, "how could i let this happen?" "No no no you saved her life, this is not your fault".
Mapi could not make Jay see sense and Jay left to go back to her own apartment with her own thoughts, Mapi watched Jay as she grabbed a bottle of vodka and made her way to her villa. Mapi knew Jay didn't drink, this was not good.

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