Chapter Forty Four

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In Alexia We Trust, that's what the morning headlines read. Photos of Alexia celebrating and a smaller picture of Jay and Alba with some fans and the tattoo circled around her leg.
That's what Jay woke up to and she immediately groaned, why couldn't the press leave her and her girlfriend alone and focus on the football.
Alexia stirred next to her with a smile, "hola mi amor, did you sleep well?".
"Si baby" a blunter response from Jay than normal causing Alexia to immediately sit up and cup Jays face in her hands.
"What's wrong Bebe?" Jay didn't answer instead passed her phone across to Alexia who frowned and closed the phone.
"I don't care Bonita, they can say what they want they don't know anything about us" bringing her English girlfriend into a kiss.

"I don't want to be the focus on your World Cup, if I'm distracting you please tell me" Jay hung her head refusing to make eye contact.
Alexia grabbed Jay now pulling her in to her, "Bebe look at me, you are not a distraction you are my motivation. I do not care what they write I love you and only you" kissing her softly on the lips making all Jays worries instantly fade into the back of her mind.

"Okay baby, what do you wanna do today?" Jay asked perking up a bit.
"The team is heading to the zoo today for a down day and to take our minds off the next game and then it's light training later, do you want to come?".
"No Ale it's okay spend the day with your team".
Alexia pouted knowing she wouldn't see Jay today but she knew team bonding was important.
After breakfast they parted ways and Jay planned on spending the day working out what she could with a broken wrist and pottering around the resort.

Meanwhile at the zoo the girls were having a great time, Mapi got to feed the elephants and ended up getting a trunk in her face much to her annoyance causing her entire team to laugh at her expense.
Some of the younger players got their faces painted and the fans were polite enough to stay away for the day.

Jay was bored at the resort so text Alba to see what she was up to, she replied she was free so Jay kindly went to pick her up and they went for lunch and afterwards a coffee to settle their stomachs after a heavy meal.
Alba uploaded a picture of her and Jay on her Instagram story and Alexia felt content.
Content that Jay was more than happy to spend time with her family when she wasn't around.
Jay and Alba then visited Eli at work and brought her a coffee, Eli then sending a photo of all three of them in her office.
Alexias heart felt full, how did this even happen. A little over 4 weeks ago she didn't even know who Jay was and now she was head over heels for this confident English girl.

Dropping Alba back off at her apartment Jay planned on a nice relaxed evening for her and Alexia, she got her some roses and climbed back in her car.
As soon as she got in her car she felt the presence of someone else, she wasn't alone in her car. The cold steel now placed at her throat telling her to drive slowly and not make any sudden movements.
"Pull over" the Spanish man said now they were down some dirt track.
Jay did as she was told, she had no idea what was going on but her level of fear had heightened for the first time in a while.
"Call Alexia and end it" the Spanish man asked abruptly.
"What, no way!" The knife now deeper on her throat causing a small cut and the blood now gently trickled down her chest.
"Do not make me do something I don't need to do, call her end it and I won't snap her legs before her team even has a chance at making it to the final".
Jay tried to call Alexia at the information she had just given.
Alexia wouldn't pick up, "leave her a video, ending it and do not give it away. Tell her you don't love her and I will leave her alone".
Jay then sent a recording of herself ending it, not wanting to panic the midfielder she put on her best acting performance. Anything to keep her safe, to keep her away from Jay.
When Jay ended the video that's when reality set in, "now transfer me one hundred thousand euros and don't try to find me".
Money weren't shit to Jay she didn't care about that demand, the fact that she has probably just broken her now ex girlfriends heart was all that had bothered her.
A black suv then pulled up and the man got out taking Jays phone and smashing it before hitting Jay in the eye with the bottom of the knife and then climbing in the car and driving off.
What the fuck had just happened.

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