Chapter Twelve

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Jay didn't get to say goodbye to Alexia, this is all her fault. She took another swig from the vodka knowing she had to drown out how she felt. Jay was sat on the balcony when she saw Alexia and Emma arrive back at the resort, Mapi approached Emma and clearly said something about Jay as she was now heading to Jay's apartment looking worried.
"Let me in then" Emma called up the balcony, "the code is 0307" Emma typed it in and made her way to the balcony where Jay was sat a bit worse for wear.
She threw her arms around Jay, Jay sobbed, at points she wailed. Everyone she cares about gets hurt.
Emma didn't say a word she just sat and held Jay, she did however take the half a bottle of vodka that remained off of her. Jay didn't try to fight it, she was exhausted. Mentally and physically.
Jay fell asleep on her sun lounger on her balcony and Emma covered her with a blanket and remained until the sun came up.
Jay woke up to the birds chirping and the worst headache known to man, she then remembered why her head was sore and felt sad about last nights turn of events. "Alexia" she sat bolt up right "shes safe thanks to you" Jay didn't know Emma was sat behind her scaring the shit out of her, Emma passed her a glass of water and told her "im not leaving til you drink at least three of them".

Alexia woke up next to Mapi who clearly hadn't slept well at all, "training is cancelled today, Emma just text" Alexia didn't even care about football right now. "Mapi is Jay okay? She saved me last night didn't she" Mapi shuddered at the thought "she has had her head stitched and is fine but i saw her drinking vodka afterwards which is never a good sign" Alexia felt sad she knew how Jay felt about drinking, she was worried more than ever now.
"I need to see her" "no, she needs to cool off" came a voice of reason, Irene that was. "She  lost control last night and for good reason, she fucked that guy up, but if police weren't there to pull her off him god know what would of happened" Alexia felt her stomach tighten she got a flashback to the sound of two people fighting whilst she was sat in the bathroom praying Jay would be okay.

"Give her time to gather her thoughts, and yours too, it was traumatic for the pair of you"Alexia nodded she knew Irene was completely right.
Alexia sat deep in thought, she had 10 missed calls from her sister "who told Alba?" Alexia whined, "ME, they need to know, they arrive within the hour, Now go and get breakfast" came Emmas tired voice.

Alexia left for breakfast and looked up into Jays villa, the blinds were shut they were never shut. Alexia felt guilty, but was stopped by a police car pulling up to Jays villa, she caught a glimpse of Jay as she opened the door and let them in. Jay looked awful her face was bruised and she looked exhausted, Alexia's heart sunk.

Breakfast was awful, the mood was low and everyone was silent.
That as until "ALE ALE ALE, OMG MI AMOR" Alba appeared rushing towards Alexia. Alexia normally grumbled at Albas neediness but knew she needed her now more than ever.
Alexia was taken to a separate room with her mother and Alba whilst Emma sat them down and explained what had actually happened. There were a lot of tears and hugging and lots of silent pauses. No one could believe what happened. "Ale, Jay saved you didn't she?" "Where is she i need to thank her" cried Eli in between tears. "She's giving a statement to the police, lucky for us Jay is a black belt. That being said she needs rest of her own, she has had her head stapled".
Alexia winced at the thought, Emma then left Alexia and her family alone.
"We kissed again" Alexia announced, Alba took by surprise and smiled "well shes a good one clearly, i knew that when i met her at your game" "WAIT, that's Jay, the girl you swapped shirts with the other day?" "Mi amor she is beautiful, of course you kissed".
Alexia gulped "i feel like I've scared her off now". Eli pulled Alexia in close, "I don't think anything scares that girl if she was willing to risk her life for you".

Jay now finished with the police made her way to the dining area, she was starving now and as much as she wanted to hide away she knew she would get sick if she didn't eat.
On the way over she heard "Jay!" She saw Alba sprinting towards her, Jay caught Alba nearly falling back herself. "Thank you so much"she burst into tears, Jay felt embarrassed this whole thing was her fault. Eli approached Jay whilst Alexia slowly plodded behind, Jay pushed Alba away "im sorry i can't do this, this is all my fault" and pretty much sprinted off tears in her eyes.

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