Chapter Twenty Four

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The day began with the girls training, it was cooler today so no need for an evening session later would be focused on more written tactical sessions anyway. Jay of course had to come and watch training due to her being weaned back onto her medication under the watchful eye of Emma.
She was watching the girls shooting when a ball rolled over to her, "little help Jay" it was Jenni who wanted the ball. Jay without thinking pinged the ball back into the box for Jenni to gently touch down with her chest before launching it on the volley into the back of the net. Jenni immediately pointed at Jay before Jay bowed proudly of her assist.
Emma watched the whole interaction take place and realised Jay still had what it took to be the best, but didn't believe Jay wanted to play anymore but still the football world needed her talents but how would Emma get her to agree?
Alexia watched smitten and a little envious of the effortless perfectly weighted ball Jay has just crossed to Jenni. It was hot no doubt about it Jay was special but she just didn't know it.

"Jay, come here" called Emma ushering her over with her hands clenched to her clipboard.
"Yes boss?" Jay asked after jogging over as quickly as she could.
"Fancy joining me after training for some shooting there's some thing I want to run by you?".
"Erm sure okay? Not like I'm going anywhere else".
Emma laughed "no you are not, I need to keep you in sight I know what you are like!".
Jay laughed and nodded agreeing knowing Emma knew her far too well.

Jay spent the rest of the session only watching Alexia, she was fantastic a true talent and Jay knew she was going to light up this World Cup.

Training ended and the girls made their way over to their water bottles which Jay seemed to be guarding unintentionally.
"Hola carino. How are you feeling? Are you too hot in the sun?" Alexia quizzed Jay gently.
"Ale im fine I promise I was enjoying watching you" grinning at herself realising that's what she actually just said out loud.
Ale blushed, "do you not see enough of me?" asserting herself one again.
"I could never get enough of you" now wrapping her hand around Alexia's waist.
"Bebe I'm sweaty no?" "I don't care you always look good to me I don't care if you're sweaty" raising one eyebrow.
"Alexia I need to steal Jay briefly okay?".
"Si boss she is all yours, see you soon mi amor?".
"Si ale won't be long" Jay replied unbeknown to what Emma wanted.

Emma slowly rolled the ball to Jay, "shoot", "what?" "Don't think just shoot, how many times have I told you that in football. Now SHOOT!".
30 yards out Jay absolutely leathers the ball hearing it hit the net makes her feel instantly relaxed.
"Now Jay you said your adhd was playing up and you didn't feel like you, is that because perhaps you're missing something? Football maybe?" Emma asked already thinking she knew the answer.
"Emma look, I don't want to play anymore. That part of my life is long gone, I don't have what it takes" sighing defeated at her own words.
"Listen to me you are the most natural striker I have ever seen, everyday you will come here and practice. I've asked Pablo the goalkeeping coach and Martha the set piece coach to stay and help you clear your mind. They are more than happy you have helped us let us help you".
"I don't have a choice do I?" again sighing deeper looking at the ball now back at her feet.
"No now again but this time Pablo will be in goal.
Jay shot again from the same position but this time laced it for more power, same ending back of the net.

Watching on in the distance was Jenni, absolutely astonished at Jays striking ability. She was sneaky enough to film some footage and put it in the team group chat.
Jenni stayed throughout watching Jay practically score every opportunity given to her, yeah she wasn't technically up to the standard of fitness but Jays shot was wicked, she could curl it, whip it with the outside of her boot and also shoot on her non dominant foot with ease.
Emma pulled Jay to one side, "remember that knuckleball shot you used to pull, can you still do it? Pablo is expecting you to absolutely lace it from here" Jay nodded she knew what to do, placing the ball down valve side where her boot would connect with she slapped her right foot at it watching it heading straight toward Pablo before moving in the air having him rooted to the spot.
Emma applauded buzzing about what she had just witnessed, Jenni watching from afar her jaw practically hanging off of her face.
"I bloody knew it! I knew you still had that shot!" Emma pulled Jay in tussling with her hair making Jay drop her head in a shy manner.

"I have a question for you, please think about it before you make your final decision. We need a striker coach. One that can teach what you just did. We have coaches but noone can actually show the players what you just did as they can't do it themselves. Don't just say no, think about it. I want your answer by the end of the World Cup".
Jay opening her mouth but nothing coming out was pushed in the direction of the locker rooms, "go home shower, eat and make sure you hydrate! Do not decide yet and keep it between us!".

Jay made her way slowly back the villa, Jenni had already made her way back there and was sitting talking to Misa. The girls group chat was buzzing watching the footage Jenni had sent them.
Once in her villa Jay quickly ate a banana grabbed some water and went and indulged on a warm shower, she got dried and changed and sat on her bed briefly before she knew it she had nodded off.

Dinner time had come around and noone had seen or heard from Jay all their texts had been left unread.
Worried Alexia and Mapi headed to her apartment and had her key code ready and were confused when Jays main door was unlocked.
Calling out for Jay but getting no answer the pair went upstairs to the master bedroom. There they found Jay passed out safe and sound and sleeping like a baby.
Jay obviously shattered after today and her medication probably taking hold of her had fallen asleep on top of her bed, Alexia grabbed a blanket and kissed her good night and turned the lights off not wanting to disturb her.

The girls went back to dinner to let Emma know she was safe she was just passed out asleep.
Emma smiled knowing how hard she had worked today, "right girls, tomorrows the big day. The World Cup begins and we have every chance to win it. Early bed tonight drink plenty of fluids and stay off your phones. Tomorrow our journey begins. Vamos!".
"Vamos!" Replied the team and they all went happily off to their rooms excited and nervous about tomorrows huge event that would start.

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