Chapter Twenty Two

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When Jay and Alexia arrive at the pool the girls are already there full of laughter, They are met by jeering and wolf whistling. Jay gently drops Alexia onto the sunbed Alexia grins loving how gently she was put down by the girl that just made her feel so good.
"hola Jay how was your shower with Alexia did you leave her with anymore red marks?" Giggled Mapi before Alexia threw her a subtle look to shut her up.
Alexia loved how well Jay got on with the other girls her interactions were sincere and she spent most of the evening gently watching Jay talking and laughing with the other girls.
At one point Alexia nudged Jay pointing to her calves to remind her that she promised to give her a calf massage, Jay didn't even flinch and immediately started rubbing Alexia's calves lovingly whilst still engaging with the other girls. Alexia felt immediately relaxed and snuggled in to Jay.

Emma smiled at the exchange the two shared and pulled Jay away from Alexia briefly to speak about their relationship.
"Whats the deal here? Are you two together?" Emma asked from a place of goodness.
"No not yet we haven't spoken about it tbh I don't wanna rush anything I'm just enjoying what ever this is but I do have strong feelings for her".
"I think she has feelings for you too, this is the most relaxed I've seen her in a long time. She is an introvert at heart and you have brought her out of her shell".
Jay looked at Alexia and they both exchanged smiles before continuing their own conversations.
"I can see she's under a lot of pressure which is probably why she seems like an introvert but I don't think she truly is I think she does it as a way to protect herself".
"Either way Jay I think you have brought out a great side to her and her to you, I've always known you were capable of loving someone as much as you do her".
"Love.. it feels weird I've only known her personally for two weeks. Feels odd that we're this close already. Like what happens when this tournament is over?" Jays now sullen face has resurfaced at the thought of them having to part ways.
"I get what you're saying but if you both genuinely want this you will find a way to make it work, if not I'll have some serious meddling to do". Emma chuckled knowing she definitely would stick her nose in and bang their heads together until they saw sense.
"Thanks boss I'll think about it". Jay got up slowly and made her way back to Alexia who met her by reaching up for a hug.

Jay fell into the hug and began a new conversation about the Barcelona and Real Madrid rivalry that was already going on.
It was good to see a healthy rivalry between rivals and national team mates.
Leila who used to play at Barca but now plays at Man City in the wsl made reference to Misa trying to intimidate Alexia before a penalty to which Jay remembers watching live on to reminding her that even back then she thought Alexia was sexy.
"So what did you two say to each other before Alexia scored?" Jay asked expecting it to be something funny.
"I told her id fuck her sister if she missed expecting it to put her off..." replied Misa knowing it would still wind Alexia up.
"And I knew my sister had standards so I told her neither would happen whether I missed or not" laughed Alexia at Misa's expense.

"Is your sister gay?" Jay asked not knowing, before the group went silent.
"Ask Mapi" piped up Leila. Jay immediately stared at Mapi who now was trying not to choke on her water.
"It was one night and I will already be apologising for the rest of my life to Ale". Mapi looked sad and Alexia looked pissed.

Immediately trying to deviate from the subject that left a sour taste in Alexia's mouth Jay firmly asked "what's the plan for the Costa Rica game then?".
"Good timing Jay, team tactics meeting in ten minutes in the cinema room please girls" spoke Emma abruptly before making her way over to the team room.

"Be back soon Bonita, then can you do my shoulders my calves feeling better Gracias". Smiled Alexia content that Jay had worked her magic on her tight calves.
"Can you do my shoulders when you're back too please Jay I'm sore because I have big muscles" laughed Mapi.
"First you fuck my sister and now your trying your luck with Jay" exclaimed Alexia raising her eyes towards Mapi.
"Girls chill, I can do both it's fine". Jay nodded knowing Alexia was joking but also willing to help Mapi who clearly had been struggling with her tight muscles in the heat.

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