Chapter Thirty Three

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The day had come where Jay would have to leave her safe haven and bury her mother, her mother that rejected her during her childhood and chose drugs over her and her brother Jack.
She woke up in Alexias warm arms, giving the Spanish captain a gentle kiss on her forearm before sliding out of bed. Alexia grumbled at her pulling away "please don't go Bebe, stay for 5 more minutes" Alexia was relentless but she was also beautiful and Jay would do anything to put a small smile on her face.
Jay turned giving her a kiss on the lips and said "I'm just going to get us some coffee".
Jay returned 5 minutes later to Alexia sat upright in bed rubbing her eyes in the cutest way possible, she couldn't help but smile at the sight how did she get this girl.

"Gracias mi amor" Alexia thanked her as she passed her her morning coffee that they often shared in bed together.
"I'll miss you.." Alexia whispered.
"Baby I will be gone one day, I'm coming back I promise". Giving her a kiss on the cheek making Alexia smile at the slightest sign of affection.

"Bonita if you need me tomorrow I may not be able to answer because of the game?" Alexia whispered, "I know babe but I will be okay don't stress, tomorrows game is very important and I want you to be thinking about that not this. Promise me you'll give it 100%?" She turned looking at Alexia who was now leant against her.
"Si Bonita for you I will".

Alexias morning alarm went off 5 minutes later and she almost grumbled at the sound knowing that their time alone had come to an end and that she would have to train and not see Jay until tomorrow.

"Come to breakfast with me?" Holding Jays hands.
"Of course mi amor, got to make sure my girl eats a good meal rather than worrying about me" flashing her a grin.

The breakfast room was noisy as usual, filled with Spanish chatter and laughter a noise Jay had grown to love hearing every morning.
While Alexia got them both oatmeal and fruit Jay got the normal double espresso for Alexia and a caramel macchiato for herself.

Misa and Leila were already at the table talking about the game tomorrow and Jenni, Patri and Mapi joined minutes after.
Jay listened intently to their talk about football whilst eating her oatmeal which she really didn't want to eat but knew Alexia would hound her if she didn't.

"You all good for later Amiga?" Mapi asked softly at Jay.
"Si Mapi just got to take small suitcase to be honest I will be back tomorrow" poking away at her grapes now.
Breakfast was pretty much done which meant Alexia and Jay would need to say goodbye. Emma came over and hugged Jay and told Alexia she needed to be at training within 10 minutes, the captain nodded sadly but knew Emma had given her more time than anyone else would have got.

Alexia clung to Jay tightly, she didn't want her to leave and she didn't want Jay to be alone.
Walking her to training went by like a blur, Alexia became emotional as they said their goodbyes and wrapped herself around Jays neck gently sobbing into her chest.

"Amor its for one day, what are you gonna be like when the tournament ends and we have ti say goodbye properly?" This comment did not help Alexia cried more and Jay whispered into her ear that she loved her and nothing would stop her finding her way back to her in this or another lifetime.

Pulling her away from her now, Jay kissed Alexia deeply and told her she would text her when she landed.
Alexia nodded hugging Jay again, Emma had to come and take Alexia with her otherwise there was no way in hell she was letting go of her girlfriend.

Jay walked back to her apartment and wiped a singular tear from her cheek, she would be back tomorrow to cheer on her beloved girl.

It was nearly 3pm and the waiting to leave part was making Jay anxious she decided to get in her car and make her way to the training ground before she left to sneak one last goodbye in.
Her car pulled up against the fence and Alexia came running over jumping in her arms. Jay kissed her and released her before getting back in her car and leaving for the airport.

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