Chapter Seventeen

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The next day Jay woke up and immediately started organising the bbq, staff were asked a huge favour of cooking the food and then they were more than welcome to join in and stay if they liked signalling that they could drink and enjoy themselves.
"Emma, I need to talk to you. Firstly thanks for my present in my villa, secondly I've organised a bbq for everyone today and a beach party later. One big blow out before we win the World Cup?".
"That's a great idea! Looking forward too it, let me know if you need any help, also I'm glad you like your present I had to dig deep into the archives for that!".

Jay and Emma walked into the breakfast room met by the players.
"Morning girls listen in, today is your day off Jay has kindly organised a bbq for you all and you can also have tomorrow off too as we're having a beach party tonight!".
The room erupted, Jay gave a big thumbs up before grabbing a caramel macchiato and sitting at her usual seat.
Jays phone buzzed 'can I come and sit with you?'.
'No' was the response before she looked up Alexia grinning letting her know she was being sarcastic. Alexia rolled her eyes and made her way over. "Morning beautiful" "gracias Jay but I'm not beautiful this morning I hardly slept".
"You are always beautiful to me..." the last part fading off quietly. "You're cute in the mornings Jay".
"Haha I've been described as many things but cute isn't one of them, why didn't you sleep Ale?".
"I haven't been sleeping well since.. ya know". She dipped her head and her confidence had gone.
"I don't wanna overstep but you can always stay with me, I don't sleep well as it is".
"Gracias Jay, now about this bbq and beach party later. What is the dress code?".
"Shorts tshirt, bikini.... Naked" Jay shot Alexia a grin and wriggled her eyebrows.
"Hahaha you'd like that wouldn't you?".
"I wouldn't like that I'd love it".
Alexia went red. Jay smirked she liked the affect she had on her.

"I have to go and set up, but will you be coming to the event today?".
"Si, of course I wouldn't miss it. Especially if it's a nudist party". And then she slid off the chair and walked off.
"Well played La Reina well played". Jay winked at her and left the dining area.

"Hermana, when are you to going to tell each other how you feel?" Asks Mapi looking with puppy dog eyes.
"Mapi we don't even know if she likes me..."
"She likes you, now pull your finger out!" Whispers Emma as she walks past the table overhearing the whole conversation.
"Pull my finger out? Huh?".
Emma slaps her head "it's an English phrase, basically get a move on just do it!".
"Capi no pressure but I heard she's really good in bed too, the england girls were talking about it the other day". Interrupts Jana.
"I bet she's good in bed, I bet I can get her in bed before you Capi" laughs Athenea.
Mapi slaps Athenea's arm, "girls no, I know love when I see it. She only has eyes for Alexia".
"Maybe a drink tonight wouldn't hurt..".
Mapi pretends to faint at Alexia's announcement making Jenni laugh and Alexia roll her eyes more than she's ever rolled them before.
Alexia now felt pressure, pressure she'd never felt before. She liked Jay but did Jay like her back?

"Patri, I need your help" Jay wrapping her arm around Patris neck as she approaches the pool area. "Si what is it boss?"
"I heard your the team DJ, and as I'm not Spanish I was wondering if you could sort the tunes for tonight. I have an excellent speaker set up. Just send me a playlist and we can use my phone?".
"I got you, give me an hour!"
"You're a lifesaver Patri" and she grabs her face and kisses her on the cheek.

The smell of bbq is what eventually brings everyone together, the vibes are great. The sun is shining, the area is filled with laughing and chatting, everyone is having a good time.
Jay is sat with Emma taking in the environment, they were both just watching everyone, just by looking at everyone you wouldn't think a World Cup would be kicking off in 6 days the players were so relaxed.

"Thank you again Jay, this was a brilliant idea. Look how relaxed and happy everyone is".
"Do you know what's mad I'm gonna miss this lot after you win the World Cup".
Jay suddenly felt a bit sad, dropping her head a bit. Alexia could see this as she was clearly staring at her from across the pool area.
'Come see me, I miss you from all the way over here 😓' Jay chuckled at her phone.
"Alexia by any chance?" Asked Emma "that obvious huh?".
"Obvious isn't the word, but let me put it on a plate for you. I know Alexia and I know you, she clearly has feelings for you and you her. So do everyone a favour here and suck it up and make the move. It might be the best thing you've ever done."
"She scares me, I don't want to hurt her, and I don't want to lose her".
"You're a good person Jay and I know when you fall you fall hard. You won't hurt her, she's the best and you deserve that".

Jay texts Alexia back 'on my way be twenty minutes' before immediately walking over there and sitting down next to her. Alexia looks at her phone laughing abruptly, the girls ask what's so funny "I sent her a dick pic, do you wanna see" Jay turns her phone around and it's photo of Mapi. Mapi turns her bottom lip down while the girls roll about laughing.
"Idiota, I'm getting another beer who wants one?" Everyone raises their hand including Alexia much to Jays surprise.
"I'll help Mapi you don't have that many hands".
Whilst at the bar helping themselves to beer, Jay asks Mapi "I might drink a couple tonight because I'm nervous and I really like Alexia and know I won't try anything without a bit of liquid courage. Please if I get too much stop me drinking. I do not trust myself".
"Si Jay but about time, the sexual tension is killing me. But yes do not worry I've got you my friend".
They go back to the table and everyone cheerses their beers, "you're drinking Jay?".
"I think I'll be okay drinking as long as I stick with you" she smiles whispering gently to Alexia. Alexia returns the smile and rubs Jays arm to let her know she will be okay.

As the sun starts setting and the team are god knows how many beers in the beach party begins.
There is a seating area made up and a fire pit and a football pitch of course and speakers for the party.
The party is well under way, everyone is dancing and singing loudly and soon a football is added into the mix, probably not a good mix for the tipsy players but when can a footballer see a football and not want to play.
Emma gathers the girls around and picks fair teams not wanting anyone to get upset as they are drunk, she will only let them play on one condition - if Jay joins in.
"No no no no" shouts Jay when Aitana pulls her to her feet, "im not good anymore besides you girls are paid professionals".
"Jay you will be fine, you can play up top so less running for you just shoot like you used to and you'll be fine" Emma gesturing at her to stand with the athletes.

Emma picks two captains Alexia and Mapi and makes sure Jay ends up on Alexia's team just to see how their connection truly was, "but no headering the ball Jay, you still haven't been cleared for that, and because i know you wont listen to me each time you header a ball its a free kick to Mapi's team". Mapi stuck her tongue out at Jay who immediately flipped her off making her laugh.

The game starts and as drunk as everyone is its still a decent quality, Jay is miles behind in fitness and quality but knows she has a wicked shot and will look to rely on that.
Patri plays the ball to Jay who absolutely spanks it top bins not giving Misa a chance to even move.
"Omfg, are you kidding me. I knew you still had it!" Screamed Emma.
"Carino that was incredible how did you do that?!" Alexia asks running over
"God knows I haven't done that in years but i used to practice shooting all the time back in the day, anything to escape my home life".
Leila kicks the ball out from the back and plays it to Jay who is now trying to sprint with the ball in the sand she is met by an oncoming Mapi and decided to be cocky by doing a rainbow flick over Mapi's head, the girls scream and Mapi chases Jay down cutting her from behind. It wasnt hard and Jay wasnt hurt but Jay was a comedian at heart so decided to over exaggerate her roll, she kept rolling and rolling until she rolled straight into the sea, it was quiet for a second then Jay appeared from under the water screaming "REF, WHAT WAS THAT, SEND HER OFF!" Everyone was absolutely wetting themselves at the sight and Jay ran back over to hug Mapi because she was now soaked.
"Right girls next goal wins!" Emma screamed and it was like someone had lit a fire under them, Jenni had a shot and Sandra saved it launching it all the way to Alexia who guided it down onto her foot straight into the back of the net.
"VAMOS!" She creamed the team piled onto her.

"Jay you are so good, please look at playing again" Alexia mumbles not trying to overstep the mark.
"Football used to be my escape, I don't need to escape anymore" Jay smiled before trudging to her villa to get into some dry clothes.

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