Chapter Twenty Seven

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Jay tossed and turned all night which in turn kept Alexia up too which wasn't ideal, when the morning sun hit they were both exhausted. Jay left Alexia's side and went for a walk on the beach, twenty minutes later Alexia awoke to find the other side of the bed empty and Jays phone on the side. After searching the villa she pulled some clothes on and went looking for her, where could she be at 6:30am?
As Alexia left the villa she saw a shadow sat down in the sand and knew it was Jays safe space to come and think and relinquish those thoughts she kept right in that adhd brain of hers.
Jay was brought out of her thoughts by someone gently sitting next to her and wrapping their arms around her waist.
"Bonita, why didn't you wake me?" Jay turning to face Alexia with a red puffy face evident she had been crying.
"Oh amor, what is it? You can tell me anything I promise I will be here no matter what".
"My mum died... I've never even told you about my childhood and for good reason it wasn't great. But I am sad no matter what she did she was still my mum" Jay wept loudly now at the truth in her own words.
"Mi amor, I am so sorry. How? I'm sorry I never asked but I didn't want to intrude on your childhood I could tell something was amiss".
Alexia gently wiped Jays tears from her face bringing her face into her neck kissing her forehead gently.
"My mum was a serious drug addict, she was the perfect mum until I was about 7 then she met an evil man who turned her life upside down. She never once got clean, it eventually killed her, she couldn't even get clean for me and my brother" Jay was sobbing into Alexia's chest now.
Alexia trying to stifle her own tears now understood why Jay was such a good person but clearly had complicated issues.
"Bebe I'm so so sorry, is this why your brother rung you last night?".
"Si but I didn't want to ruin the girls evening and it hadn't quite sunk in. I'm sorry I didn't tell you".
"Mi Nina don't you ever apologise about that, I'm here I've got you whatever you need. Now come inside you're freezing".
Alexia lifted Jay up and wrapped an arm around her waist practically carrying her back to the villa.

Back at the villa Jay was sweetly tucked into bed by Alexia where she earned another hour of sleep at the hands of Alexia gently stroking her hair and peppering her face with gentle kisses.

"Amor we need to go and get you breakfast" Jay was woken up by the sweetest voice and opening her eyes she was met by who she considered to be the most beautiful girl in the world, the most beautiful girl in the world who had so lovingly looked after her in her moments of need.
She pulled Alexia into a gentle kiss, leaving Alexia with a smile plaster over her beautiful face.
"I love you amor, now come" Alexia not realising what she had said.
Jay was taken aback and blinked trying to process what Alexia had just said.
"You... you love me?" Jay whispered.
Alexia turned back to face her, "I think I loved you since the moment I met you I just didn't know it then. But you show me everyday why I love you and yes i love you what's there not to love?" Alexia stood eyebrow raised.
"I love you too, I've never loved anyone before like this. Sorry amor no one has ever said it and truly meant it to me" Jay tucked her chin to her neck realising that she was crazy about Alexia and with her sadness about her mother also came the happiest moment of her life.

Leaving her feeling conflicted but ultimately happy that she had finally found her love.
"Bebe, what you need to realise is everyone loves you. You are special but you need to realise you are loved and I'm going to spend everyday making sure you feel that I love you".
Jay felt her stomach flip, is this what love felt like? This is what she had been missing her whole life?
Flinging her legs over the side Jay embraced Alexia as she stood lifting her onto her waist and carrying her into her wardrobe to choose her outfit for breakfast.
Alexia giggling though writhing about to get free "jay put me down I need to go back to mine and get ready" "no I am feeling unloved you must stay attached to me at all times" Jay giggled pretending to sulk.
"I feel like a spider monkey attached to you, now put me down and I'll see you at breakfast" Jay groaned and gently placed Alexia to the floor, grabbing her wrist as she tried to leave without saying goodbye pulling her back into herself leaving Alexia giggling like a child.
"Did you try to leave without a kiss Capitan?" "No no no, I would never" kissing Jay softly and gently before waltzing off leaving Jay always wanting more.

Jay was in deep she was head over heels just the mere sight of Alexia was enough, suddenly she felt her heart feel full. She was loved and she was in love.

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