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   A\N :  Hello Everyone. I'm sorry for the delays of the chapters. I've been very busy for these past few days, and due to some personal problems   (Studies & Stuff), chapters got delayed. Sorry for that. My Final Exams are at the start of March and I have complete confidence in my preparation. But you know, parents can't get over it unless their kid leave the mobile and study. But, from now on, I'll try my best for consistent chapters.

  I recently go on a debate with someone on Youtube post regarding Koenji. He was saying about him being the strongest and nobody defeat him except Ayanokoji, stuff. I argue with him for quite a while, giving him proper reasoning. But he didn't take any of that. Then I ask him a few questions, after which he left the debate. I wanna ask the same questions from you all and want your opinions.

(1.) ----  If Koenji is really the strongest & smartest after Ayanokoji, wouldn't it break the balance of the classes in Ayanokoji's Year?

  Let me explain in a simple term. We have four classes in Ayanokoji Year, A--D. I'm gonna represent classes with their Leader's name to simplicity. Lets exclude Ichinose's class, well it's not confirm as of now. But Ayanokoji gonna get to her class to make things balanced. Otherwise her class is in doom. With Ayanokoji being on the front line, their class will not face any major problems overall. Only Ichinose, Kanzaki & somewhat Yuki are outstanding overall. So we have these 3 best students in her class, except Ayanokoji.

A. ----  Arisu Class :  We have Arisu herself, Hashimoto, Kitou, somewhat Morishita Ai  (who is a new character) and Yamamura. Arisu & Hashimoto are in an internal fight of betrayal. Even if they wrap it up, without damaging their class someway. Arisu is the only one, who can take on other classes directly. On the 2nd call is Hashimoto, others are not that well if we talk individually. Even if we combine these 3 work together, we have 3 best students in her class.

B. ----  Ryueen Class We have Ryueen, Katsuragi, Hiyori, Kaneda, Albert, Ibuki & Ishizaki. Overall, only Ryueen, Katsuragi & Hiyori are outstanding individuals in term of exams and other stuff. So, we have 3 best students in his class.

C. ----  Horikita Class We have Horikita herself, who have improve the most than any character in the whole series. She even tackle the latest exam all by herself, without Ayanokoji's help. Followed by Sudo, Hirata, Ike, Kushida, Matsushita, Karuizawa, Satou, Yukimura, Haruka, Mii-chan, Akito, that traitor Muazina or something  (hope I didn't miss someone)  and Koenji himself. Their class has the best overall improvement throughout these 2--Years. If we exclude the unnecessary ones. We still have Horikita, Koenji, Hirata, Kushida, Yukimura and Sudo. Given these, we have 6 outstanding individuals in her class.

  If Koenji is really that smart that he can match Ayanokoji to some extent. Wouldn't that make the other 2 classes being too weak, Ryueen's & Arisu's Class. Horikita Class will not listen to Ayanokoji in anyway, after his betrayal by changing class. And Koenji himself will not let that happen, if he's really that smart. Even if Ayanokoji has hold on Arisu's & Ryueen's classes. It will take things much more difficult, when any of these two latter classes engage directly with Horikita's Class in an exam.

  They will lose miserably because of Koenji  (if we put the above reasoning). Besides, Koenji has a Protection Point and have no interest in Class Battle. If Ayanokoji wants Horikita's Class to be in its full potential. He has to expire that Pro Point of Koenji in someway and leave him to his class mercy. Otherwise, I don't see a scenario, where Koenji is being that nice to help his class in anyway. Besides Horkita's Class will be vunerable to Ryueen & Arisu without Koenji's help, especially Ayanokoji himself. So Kiyotaka has to do something about it and make sure that Koenji contribute to the class, to some extent atleast. Otherwise, only despair has to come for Horikita and her class.

  And the surprise Koenji talk about in Y2V10. We can only make assumptions but it must be related to Ayanokoji. If its any other in Horikita's Class, then Ayanokoji has its complete idea after that Kushida incident in Y2V5. Besides, all the main figures of the class are under Ayanokoji's influence.  I have 2 possible assumptions for it, but if you have any other. You can give your opinions on the matter.

1. ----  Koenji knows about the WhiteRoom and can threaten Ayanokoji, to expose his past and his nature. To make things very difficult for him to handle. (If this is the case, it'll scale Koenji more low than he already is and I don't think its the case.)

2. ----  Koenji knows that Ayanokoji is the real Leader of class, not Horikita. But he works in shadows, like a Puppetior. So he can threaten him to expose his secret and destroys the rydhem of the class, making Ayanokoji stands out. This can also act like a betrayal like Kushida, and Ayanokoji has done it before in Y2V1 in that Math test with a perfect score.

  I can't think of any other scenario, where Koenji can deal damage directly to Ayanokoji. But if you have any other reasoning, feel free to voice out your opinions in the comment section. If the above scenarios for Koenji doesn't work then we have to see ourselves in the future. In term of outsmarting, he only has two things. One is his Money transfer Strategy, which got blown away by Nagumo. The Second one is him being able to tell that Ayanokoji is the real leader. I'm not saying that he is dumb or anything. In fact, he is very capable which we seen in the 2nd Island Exam. He is very enjoyable as a character and I love his narratives a lot. But that alone doesn't put him in the top teir. And people were saying that he can defeat Takuya 💀💀

  What are your guys thoughts on all this? Please do tell me your opinions about all this and the possible assumptions, you all can make.

  A\N :  Well that's all I wanted to say. See you all in the next chapter. Good Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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