Yuuki Scheme

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A\N : This chapter starts right after the previous one. Please Enjoy.

3rd Person POV :

Laplace after failed to inflitrate into Western Holy Chruch, comes back to meet his boss. As he enter the building through the window, he saw the same elf girl with blonde hair.

"I really thought, I was a goner. Who are ya?" he asked the girl.

"She's an incredible beauty. But something strange about her." Laplace.

"This way please. The lord is waiting." she said.

She didn't bat him an eye and turns towards the other side. Laplace silently follows her. As they both enter a room, they saw a boy around 20 of age, sitting while reading a book.

"Laplace, I heard that you had a tough time there?" he asked him.

"Uh, yeah.. The security was too strict. It's impossible to get inside." said Laplace.

"Hmm, why is that? Hinata was not there. I don't think that there was anyone there, who can put you in danger in anyway." he said.

"That's true though, but a big problem resides there. Besides, you are in good mood today Boss, or I say Yuuki Kagurazaka-dono." said Laplace.

"Haha, well this book is really good. So, what's the report?" asked Yuuki.

"Boss, are you sure that we can talk about this infront of her?" asked Laplace.

"Hmm, yeah. She is trustworthy." he said.

"Really? For you to trust her. Who is she?"

She then takes the cue and steps forward.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Demon Lord Kazaraem." she said.

"Huh!? President!? You, as a girl?"

Hearing that, a distaste look comes into Kazaraem face. While the Yuuki only chuckled in response.

"You know, if it isn't for the boss. I would have been dead long ago. Thanks to him, I was able to get this body. Although, I don't like it much. But it is what it is." she said.

"Yeah. The body costs more than I imagined. But she is here as an ally." said Yuuki.

Laplace then make a respective bow towards Kazaraem and said.

"Its good to see you back President. Me, Tear, Clayman and Footman were waiting for you for a long time. Good to see the President of Moderate Clown Troupe back." he said.

"I'm sorry for disturbing your reunion. But you have a report to give Laplace." said Yukki.

Laplace nod his head and takes a seat infront of his sofa. Whereas, Kazaream takes a seat besides Laplace. But her mood turn bitter as she saw at her hands.

"This body able to keep me alive. But I'm still far from my prime. Leon Cromwell, that's bastard..." she said while clenthing her hands.

"Now now, there no need to worry about him, as I am here. You will get your revenge on him, when the times comes." said Yuuki and she nods.

"Its been 200 years since you lost. There's no need to fret about it, ya know." he said.

"Shut up & report." she said.

"Right... There's nothing out of ordinary, same as before. Thus I decided to go to the top of sacred mountain. When I reach there and try to inflitrate, someone comes and attack me.." he said.

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