P - 1 / Ruins - Toriel's Guidance

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"Hello child, don't be scared. I mean no harm."

Chara was still too stunned to talk. First, it was a flower that somehow could talk, now it was a humanoid goat... that also could talk.

"My name is Toriel. Caretaker of these ruins."

She sighed.

"I pass through these chambers every day to see if anyone has fallen down."

"It has been a long time since the last human had..." Her voice tapered off.

"Never mind that. The ruins are a dangerous place. Come, I will lead you to safety."

Chara hesitated, after all, the last time she trusted a monster didn't end well.

She opened her hand only to be met with more stinging pain. It turns out that she was clenching her hands so tight that her fingernails left indents on her palm.

She closed her hand again to try and slow the bleeding.

"Oh dear, are you hurt? Come here, I'll heal you up."

Toriel made her way over to Chara.

She backed up slowly with her injured hand near her chest, she wanted to trust her but... 

What kind of idiot would fall for the same trick twice?

Toriel easily closed the distance between the two on account of being quite a bit taller than Chara.

"Place your injured hand in mine," Toriel instructed.

Chara looked from side to side, still determining if she should trust this goat lady.

"Come on, you'll bleed out if you keep waiting around," she says with genuine sincerity.

Reluctantly, she placed her bleeding hand into Toriel's furry paw.

Toriel then moved her other paw over Chara's hand.

A green glow then emerged from in between her paws as warmth seeped into her wounded hand.

The stinging pain in Chara's hands slowly faded away.

"There. Good as new." Toriel says as she draws her paws back.

Chara looked at the palm of her hand.

Miraculously, there was nothing there.

The wound has been healed.

Even the annoying stinging was gone.

Chara opens her mouth to show her gratitude.

"No need to thank me dear. Come, follow me. As I have said, the ruins are a dangerous place with various dangerous puzzles scattered about and monsters that..."

"Just stay close to me, I'll keep you safe."

Chara nodded.

Hopefully, she wouldn't come to regret this decision.

Toriel turned and started walking.

Chara had to jog just to keep up with Toriel.

Walking pass another doorway with a similar design to the one seen at the end of the tunnel, Chara discovered a path leading to peculiar sight.

There was a square drawn out on the floor with some kind of red petals.

The petals were most likely taken from the patch a couple of inches away.

Someone must have set up the petals to look this way.

However, that wasn't the interesting part.

Above the patch of red petals was a glowing light.

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