P - 1 / Ruins - Stones and Ghosts

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More rocks...

Chara faced a familiar predicament.

Now there were three different rocks and respective pressure plates that went along with them.

Last time, there was only one rock.

Instead of a barrier of spikes, there was a bridge aching over a river. 

A bridge with spikes.

Chara questions the stability of the bridge.

"It can't be any harder than last time, right?"

To her relief, the first rock seemed to weigh as much as the one before, so she easily moved it over the pressure plate.

A click can be heard.

The second rock was the same.


"At this rate, I'll be moving 5 rocks in the next room, and 8 in the next." She muttered to herself.

"Who knows? Maybe 'Asgore' is just a room with hundreds of rocks and pressure plates."

The last rock, however, wouldn't be as easy.

"Hey!" A deep voice exclaimed.

Chara drew her hand back in surprise. 

She looked around for the source of the voice, but nothing could be found. There wasn't a human, a monster, or a strange plant anywhere in sight.

Am I going mad? I could have sworn that I heard something...

She swivels her head around once more to check. 

Still nothing.


She decided to complete her plan of pushing the last rock into place.

The voice returned as soon as she reached her hands out.

"Are you deaf? Since when were humans this incompetent?"

"W-what?" Chara stuttered while looking around once again.

"I am quite literally, right in front of you."

There is no way.

There is no way.

"A talking rock."

"Yeah? What about it?"

"A talking rock."

"You are really getting on my nerves, partner."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry alright? Can I move you over to that pressure plate for a moment?"

"Hmm... I don't know. You were pretty rude a moment ago."

"I already said sorry!"

The world fades to black.

"There is no way that rock started a fight with me."

It turns out that it wasn't the rock, but another monster that probably snuck up on her.

It looked like someone had taken a bowl of jello, flipped it over, and left it flat on the floor.



The jello seems to be having an existential crisis and has forgotten how to attack.

The world's color returned.

A few gold coins lay on the ground where the jello used to be.

She knelt down and picked the gold coins up.

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