P - 1 / Snowdin - Save and Sound

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In the snowy expanse and unstable mountains, there was for some reason, a table, with a plate of spaghetti on it.

Chara wasn't feeling particularly hungry but felt that some food wouldn't hurt. 

Much to her dismay, not only was the pasta completely frozen solid, but the plate and fork were fused to the table somehow.

Only adding to her frustration was the fact that the microwave two feet away clearly wasn't plugged in nor was there a place to plug the microwave into.

Chara felt like the entire scene was there just to mock her.

There was a note...

Dear Human,

Enjoy my latest masterpiece, ice-infused spaghetti!

P.S. Microwaves don't work without an outlet.

Sincerely Papyrus.

"Thanks, I guess..."

Before she left, Chara noticed a lonesome light glowing at the edge of the pathway.

She reached her shivering hand into it and felt a renewing warmth spread through her body.


Hp: 20



"Oh dear sister, how long do you plan on keeping up this act?"

"Every monster you spare, every soul you decide to let go is one bit stronger he will be than you."

"Don't you see? When that final confrontation does come, that complacency, that pacifism, that inability to hurt, it's going get us all killed. You, and your friends in the waking world."

"Then it won't matter if you saved them or not."


"I can't watch you waste the little time we have like this."


Chara pulled her hand out of the glowing light and pressed onwards.

Just as all the other times, the star had provided her an ember to keep her warm. All the cold water in her shoes and clothes had magically dried up and left them feeling like they had just been taken out of the dryer.

Despite all of this, a chill still lingered at the back of her mind, refusing to leave.

Chara thought that maybe she spent too much time in the cold and had caught some kind of illness.

She waved the thought. Hopefully, there would be some medicine in the underground and she wouldn't be hit by it too hard.

Maybe she should ask the two skeletons, they might have something. 

Would it work on humans though?

Chara shook her head. She needs to keep going and worry about that later.


A set of spikes barred her path, and there were no discernable levers anywhere in sight.


Backtracking, Chara found a sign that was hidden behind a tree.

*Snow, snow, snow. It's everywhere. Uncover its secrets if you dare. In the puffs and in the banks, a lever hides within their ranks.

Chara took a closer look at her surroundings and sure enough, piles of snow were scattered everywhere, all tall enough to hide a lever.

This puzzle seems to be more of a test of patience rather than one of problem-solving.

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