N -1 / Snowdin - Frost Ladened Town

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Chara made her way forward, encountering another shining light amidst the light chatter of monsters nearby. 

These monsters don't seem like they want to fight. One of them, a dog wearing some sort of armor was staring blankly at an unfinished snow structure.

She pushed her hand into the shining light and let the rejuvenating warmth flow into her.

Chara took a deep breath and took hand out.


A puzzle blocked the way.

Just beyond the puzzle, Chara could see the path that she was supposed to take wasn't there.

The puzzle looks like an ice ring with familiar tiles scattered randomly around, waiting to be activated.

The pressure plate awaits Chara's successful attempt.  

She stood there for a second, trying to route a path in her mind. 

After planning everything out she decided to just go for it. After all, the abyss that a single misstep could lead to isn't concerning at all.

Her heart lurched forward as she took a step on the ice. 

It was as if there was zero friction at all.

She slid forward in the direction that she took a step in. However, there was a slight problem. 

Because of the no friction thing, Chara's momentum wasn't decreasing and her inertia stayed constant. There were no signs of slowing down nor could she pivot to change the direction she was going in. 


Chara finally landed on the first tile.

The tile sunk down and its shape changed into one of a red circle.

She exhaled a sigh of relief as she was fully expecting for herself to faceplant or just fall off the platform and into the abyss.

And like that, tile by tile, she made her way around the ice ring, activating each tile, albeit not without some wobbling on the way.

With a final step, she slid onto the pressure plate and completed the puzzle, causing chunks of snow-covered rocks to rise up from seemingly nowhere and fill the gap that prevented her from proceeding.

The path forward is covered with more ice. Luckily it was basically a straight path and didn't require much thought to pass.

Expecting no hiccups, Chara stepped onto the ice and slowly slid forward.

Out of nowhere a large layer of snow detached from the tree branches above and fell down onto Chara's head, and though it didn't alter her path, it certainly made her heart rate increase a decent bit from the abruptness of what happened.

Chara brushed the snow off of her head after reaching stable ground.

Continuing forward, Chara chanced upon a strange area. Random snow piles scattered around like little hills scattered in the countryside and a lone dog house standing alone in the snow.

After passing the small dog house and oddly placed snowdrift, Chara caught sight of a single pile of snow blocking her narrow path.

"Maybe I can just go over it..."

As she approached, Chara noticed a slight movement in the snow pile. She dismissed it as a trick of the eye and kept moving forward. 

She quickly found out that the slight movement was not a mirage but a dog, in full-clad knight armor and a massive spear in their right hand.

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