N - 1 / Snowdin - Difference

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The winds murmured, lifting up loose snow and dragging it away. 

It had never been so silent before. Not even the trees rustled, or so it seemed.

They were moving in Chara's vision, but not even the slightest sounds reached her.

Her eyes shook. An uneasy feeling snaked its way around her body, crushing her insides and inciting a deep sense of fear.

Was what she had done justifiable? Her memories of the brutal and merciless deaths she had to endure were still fresh in her mind. Blood gushing, bones shattering, and organs irreversibly maimed.

Those dogs had killed her multiple times, and though they didn't seem to remember it, she did.

It hurt. Every single time an axe cut into her. Unforgettable pains that still stung even after they had since reset.

Though, does that redeem her actions? Does that momentary pain and those false deaths warrant two permanent ones? It's not like their pain is any less than her own.

Can it really be called self-defense if her actions lead to two deaths?

Is her life worth more than those two dogs? By the looks of it, they were in a relationship. They had their own happiness too, and yet she took it away without a second thought.

She looked at the two axes on the floor. One for each lover. One used to take both.

A shiver crawled up her spine and she kicked the two axes off of the nearby cliff.

Chara was still shaking, her hands quivered like they were the last two leaves on a barren tree, threatening to fall off, her heart was racing, and her breathes came in and out at an irregular pace.

She shut her eyes but all she could see was the light images of their faces as they faded away into dust.

Chara quickly opened her eyes, returning back to the snowy mountains.

She let out another shaky breath.

It's... so cold...

She covered her face with her hands. Guilt coursed through her mind and made itself at home in every crevice.

And yet. In this moment of guilt and shame, this moment where she had to reconcile with her actions, this moment where she knew for a fact that her actions were in the wrong, she felt good. 

These fights had made her stronger, and more agile. The deaths of the two dogs also gave her an adrenaline rush, a sense of euphoria in finally coming out on top, and not cut to pieces.

A sense of newfound power was now inside of her and seemed like it didn't want to leave.

"Victories are meant to be celebrated," Her mind told her.

"You worked so hard to stay alive. Why are you crumbling now that you have won?"

"This isn't how I wanted to win!" She cried.

"They didn't give two shits when they killed you, why should you care about them?"

"If they valued their lives they shouldn't have tried to fight you."

"STOP!" Chara screamed, and yet her mind kept spinning.

"What are their lives worth anyway? They're monsters. That's all they are."

"Hasn't every monster tried to kill you? Why do they deserve your mercy?"

A stray thought limped into her mind and finally broke her.

"What would Toriel think?"

Tears streamed down Chara's face, not only for her death, but theirs as well.

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