N - 1 / Waterfall - Blooming Lotuses

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An electronic sign dimly lit up the cavern.

*Group Lotuses only bloom in specific circumstances. As their names suggest, they need water and the company of their friends! Once they have joined together these lotuses become stronger than the very ground you stand on.

Chara found four wilted lotuses nearby, their petals and leaves curled up to protect themselves from the environment.

She picked up a wilted lotus and walked over to the river that barred her path, tenderly placing it into the water and pushing it across. However, the lotus stayed in its curled-up form even though it was surrounded by water.

Chara then picked up the next lotus and pushed it across the watery gap. The lotus sailed across, gently bumping into the first lotus. She repeated this until all of the lotuses had been used and they had created a semi-clear path.

As the sign stated, the lotuses quickly blossomed as the final one bumped into its place, leaves and petals unfurling to create a stunning array of flowers.

Chara took a deep breath in.

Could she really believe what the sign said? Sure, the lotuses were one thing, but standing on them? There is no way that they could hold her weight, right?

She took a tentative step onto the leaves of the lotus, slowly letting it carry more and more of herself until her entire weight was pressed on the leaf of the lotus. 

To her amazement, the lotus didn't even budge in the slightest, not even the slightest ripple in the serene waters.

Seeing as these flowers truly could carry Chara without much of an issue, she cautiously went along, careful not to step on any of the petals or accidentally fall off.

Chara continued forward, occasionally peering at the crystals on the wall.

As she was walking along, a thought popped into her mind. 

Where have all the monster encounters gone?

Thinking about it, it has been quite a while since a regular monster has crept up on her and attacked her. 

A chill went down her spine as a possible reason entered and made itself present.

What if like Sans and Papyrus, these monsters could also sense what she had done? Avoiding confrontation with her because they knew somehow what she was capable of?

Chara shook her head. That's not who she is. She didn't kill those two because she wanted to. She killed them because she had to, because otherwise, she would end up dead, blood pooling from her mangled corpse.

The thought made her skin prickle. 


Speaking of encounters...

Chara collided with a tall, muscular, fish-horse hybrid. It looked like it was busy flexing by itself beforehand and she had just interrupted it.

"Hey, don't you have eyes? Watch where you're going."

 "S-sorry... I was a little distracted that's all..."

"Really? Distracted? You ruined my set and all you have to say is that you were distracted?"


"Looks like I'll have to show you some manners, you little brat!"

The world goes black, signifying the beginning of an encounter.

Chara steeled herself. There was going to be a battle after all. 

She sighed, expecting her soul to flicker into sight as it did so many times before.

But nothing comes. 

Not her outline, nor the outline of the strange-looking fish-horse.

Just a black void, and an illusion of her senses.

Everything just felt... cold.

So... so... cold.

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