N - 1 / Snowdin - A Calm Before the Storm

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The bustling town was indeed a sight to behold, children running around, lights hung up over everything, and monsters chatting like it was just another day in the underground.

A strange tree was set up in the middle of it. It was decorated with ordainments and was adorned with a glowing star on top and presents hidden below.

Another shining light...


Chara didn't pay too much attention to the villagers, nor did they pay her any mind. She simply glided through the town without much interaction. 

That was probably for the better.

A battle in the middle of a town setting with children around wouldn't do much to fix her image with Sans.

Chara sighed as she passed by the random buildings covered in snow and lights.

The loud murmur of monster talking unsettled her a little. She couldn't help but think about scenarios wherein she has to fight one of them.

Chara shivered. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were talking about the out-of-place human strutting around town.

And how to remove the unsightly nuisance.

Chara shook her head. Why would they think her to be a nuisance? She hasn't done anything wrong. Or more precisely, they shouldn't know that she had done something wrong.

She was unsure why these thoughts were appearing in her mind. They were illogical and yet her mind fully believed that they could be a distinct possibility. 

Maybe it was because of the battles she had to endure before reaching this town.

Chara stuck her numbing hands into her pockets. The cold was starting to get to her. Any more and she might become sick.

Her breath fogged up in the cool air, as another memory surfaced.

One of a particular sentient flower and the chilling words it left etched in her mind.

In a way it was right. The moment she couldn't talk her way out of something she resorted to violence. 

Was it not what they deserved? Did they have any remorse when they killed her? 

Does killing for a greater purpose, whatever that might be, justify someone's actions?

Chara shook her head again, trying to push away those thoughts.

She knew what she had done was wrong, but her brain kept fighting against her, trying to explain the event as an excusable act. A moment of self-preservation.

She was so entranced by her thoughts that she didn't notice a monster rushing toward her.

The monster also didn't seem like he was paying any attention to the direction he was heading in, slamming into Chara, and knocking both of them over.

Chara was a little dazed but she still quickly got up, expecting some kind of confrontation to start.

"Ow... yo! Can you help me up? Sorry for running into you, I was a little distracted."

"Oh..." Chara hesitantly reached her hand out before retracting again.

This monster was smaller than the rest and seemed like a child to Chara. He was wearing a striped shirt and had chameleon-like scales.

"Ah..." Chara struggled trying to figure out how to pick him up.

This monster had no arms.

"Hey! Don't leave me hanging! Just lift me up by the head, it'll be fine!"

"O-oh, yeah."

Chara dragged the monster up to his feet.

"Thanks, dude! Name's Monster Kid!"

"Hi? I'm Chara."

"Chara! Nice to meetcha! By the looks of your striped shirt, I can tell that you're a kid too! Sorry, I can't talk for now, I gotta go buy some ice cream!" 

Monster Kid rushed off with the same disregard for his surroundings as before.



Before she knew it, her little trip in Snowdin had ended. The building around her just stopped showing up, tall evergreens sprouted up and covered the sight of the land beyond.

As Chara continued on her path, she noticed that snow had began to fall. It started as a few flakes her and there, but gradually, the snow falling from the sky increased substantially. 

It was strange, this kind of snowfall usually marked a storm. A storm with wild winds and howling trees, but here... everything was quiet. Just the sounds of snow falling and Chara's footsteps crunching in the fallen snow.

"Human!" A loud voice rang out.

Chara stopped. The snowfall was so heavy that she couldn't even see 2 feet in front of her. Only a slight blur of the outline of the speaker could be seen.

"Let me explain to you some complicated feelings of mine."

"Feelings of happiness in finding another puzzle enjoyer."

"Feelings of anticipation for making a new friend."

"Feelings of excitement for the chance of joining the Royal Guard."

"Feelings of regret and sorrow from knowing what that would cost."

Papyrus sighed.

"I know this has been a lifelong dream of mine. Catching a human, presenting them to the Royal Family, Joining the Royal Guard for fame and glory."

"But in the past few days, I've met and made a new friend. Something that I've wanted for just as long. It might even be the underlying reason I want to join the Royal Guard."

"I've realized I don't want to give one friend up in exchange for more. That wouldn't be something the Great Papyrus would do."

He sighed again.

"I would really want to stay friends with you, Human. I really do."

"But in this world, there are some rules."

"Rules that can't be tossed aside or overlooked for a friend."

"Rules that when broken, come with dire consequences."

Despite the snowstorm swirling around her, it was those words that sent a shiver down her spine.

A battle commences, and the color of snow around her fades away.

Papyrus' eyes stare deep into Chara's soul.

"Look, Human. I'm going to be straightforward with you."

"I know people make mistakes. I know that when put under pressure, people might do things that they normally won't do. I know that sometimes... there is no other choice."

"So prove to me, Human."

"Prove to me that you've made a mistake."

"Prove to me that you're not that kind of person!"

His left pupil flares bright orange, and bone appears in his left hand.

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