P - 1 / Snowdin - Puzzles and Crosswords

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This is becoming quite ritual, isn't it?

Chara stood before the rotating light, radiating a comforting glow.

She reaches into the light, and for a moment, she feels something tugging at her mind.

She pulled out and the sensation faded away, leaving a calming warmth. She hadn't noticed, but even her clothes were mended.

"What do these things do anyway?"

She turned away and spotted Sans and Papyrus in the distance.

"How did Sans..."

Sans seemed to notice her thoughts and waved at her to come over.

As she was walking Chara noticed that the trees had shrunk quite a bit. Instead of being hundreds of feet tall, they were around half her height and had a light sprinkle of snow layered upon its leaves.

Chara approached the two skeletons and overheard them talking about a spaghetti recipe.

*Sans and Papyrus. The inseparable brothers. They would do anything for each other.

Sans noticed that Chara coughed loudly.

"Are you all right brother? Do I need to fetch you some cough syrup-infused spaghetti?"

Sans' face somehow grew even paler.

"Ahem, That won't be necessary," Sans looks like he was reliving a particularly unpleasant memory. 

"I was drawing your attention over there," he said nodding his head at Chara.

Papyrus turns his skull, to find that a human stands before them. 

Chara could have sworn that his pupils lit up as they landed in her.

He looks back to Sans.

Chara could hear them whispering about her.

"Is that a human?"

"No, I think it's a rock."

Chara looked behind her and to her surprise, a rock that wasn't there before had just appeared.


Papyrus seems... awfully disappointed.

"But hey, what's the in front of the rock?"

Papyrus looks over again. Locking eyes with Chara. Again.

"Oh. My. Asgore!"

He turns to Sans.

"I'm finally going to be famous!"

Looking back at Chara, he continued.

 "Human! I the Great Papyrus, as an honorary member of the Royal Guard, will capture you!"

Then he starts whispering to Sans again.

"Do you think Undyne would show me some of her cool fighting moves once I get into the Royal Guard?"

"I'd say you got some cool moves right now, but sure, I can see that happening."

Papyrus starts squealing like a little girl.

"Um, my bro here is going to capture you now. Don't resist or I might have to do something, and I don't feel like doing anything."

"Sans! You never feel like doing anything. In fact, that sock that you left on the floor is still there! It's been 5 months!"

"It's like a good old friend y'know? What if it loses its memory of the time we had together?" he said chuckling to himself.

Sans looks like he is having a good time.

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