P - 1 / Ruins - Faulty Tiles

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Chara sat down on the cold floor.

Surely Toriel wouldn't take that long, right?



After twenty minutes of sitting around waiting for Toriel to come back, Chara finally decided to leave the room against her orders. 

Hasn't she proven herself to be capable of being on her own already?

She felt the phone in her pocket ring as soon as her foot stepped into the next room.

It was Toriel.

"Hello? This is Toriel."


"You have not left the room, have you?"

How did you know!?

"Hello? Are you there?"


"There are some puzzles ahead that I have yet to explain. It would be dangerous to attempt them alone."

"That is all. Be good, alright?"


"Well... I'll be fine without her help, right?"

Looking ahead, Chara spots another starry light above a patch of red petals.

She was then interrupted by a frog as she was trying to approach the light.

"Hello, my name is Froggit."

I guess I should really be getting used to talking animals by now...

"I apologize for attacking you earlier. Ahem, there are many monsters in the underground who are bitter after the human and monster war."

"Thus, they will try to attack you like I did."

"Some monsters will lose their will to fight if you convince them that you're different than those humans on the surface. Or if you hurt them enough."

"When that happens, spare them, and they will be grateful."


"O-oh... thanks, I guess."

"Can you tell Toriel that I was helpful? Hopefully, she'll make some more pie for me."



The Froggit then merrily hopped away.

Chara noticed a doorway into a small room.

Inside it was a pillar supporting a bowl of candy.

The pillar was surrounded by a square of red petals and had two pools of water on each side.

It looked like some sort of shrine.

Sufficiently intrigued, Chara walked into the room to grab a piece of candy.

*Please take one.

"What kind of scum would take more than one?"

*Monster candy. Was it candy for monsters or made of monsters?

Chara took a piece and then exited the candy room.

The star caught the corner of her eyes again.

Oh right...

With no more distractions, Chara moved to the light and reached into it.

A warm feeling entered her heart.

My Guardian Angel [Chara x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now