N - 1 / Snowdin - White as Snow

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Everything was as it was before, the frozen spaghetti, the fork, the microwave.

Even the snow was perfectly pristine.

The footprints that Chara could have sworn she had left are no longer there. 


The snow was exactly the same height as she remembered, up to her ankles. Yet her tracks had been perfectly covered up and smoothed over.

Like no one had crossed by at all.

Confused, Chara trudged through the snow to a familiar area.

Piles of untampered snow.

Snow that Chara was sure that she had knocked over to find the lever was back in an immaculate small hill.


Chara walked over to a seemingly random pile of snow and brushed it away.

Sure enough, there was a cold lever hidden under the snowdrift.

After pulling the lever, Chara heard a loud thunk in the distance.


As Chara crossed the line of sunken spikes, they shot up, blocking her escape.  

Two familiar hooded figures approached.

Chara subconsciously reached her left hand to cover her right arm.

"Who goes there?"

The scene was all too familiar, she would be experiencing Deja Vu if she hadn't remembered the last encounter so vividly.

"What is that smell? It's unfamiliar."

"I sense it too... hmm."

"Could it be? A human?"

They're saying the same things...

"You're right, it could be a human."

"That means..."

The two turned to face Chara.

"You're the key to our freedom." They say in unison.

"To get that key means eliminating you!"

The world fades to black.

A battle initializes.

*The reflections of the two dogs could be seen in their axes.

Her eyes quickly focus in on the first dog on the left.

If her memory wasn't messing with her, he is going to swing first.

Chara quickly moved to the left, predicting his strike.

The axe carves down, smashing into the ground.

Her focus then moved to the second dog, who was currently blocked by the first.

Much to her surprise though, the second gracefully leaped over the first, swinging her axe down towards her.

Chara rolled out of the way, nearly missing the axe by an inch.

Her mind was scrambled by the roll. Her concentration was already breaking as nausea found its way to her stomach.

"Can you stop trying to kill me?!"

The two didn't look like they wanted to talk. In fact, Dog One was already barreling toward her as Dog Two pulled her axe from the ground.

A horizontal slice this time, causing Chara to take an unstable step back.

Then another verticle slice from dog 2 caused her to take another unstable step back.

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