P - 1 / Ruins - New Home

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"How did you get here? Are you hurt?" Toriel quickly rushed over, patting Chara all over to check for any injuries.

"I'm okay."

"*Sigh* Sorry. It was irresponsible of me to leave you to your own devices. Are you truly alright?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Chara tried to calm Toriel's fussing.

"Let's go, I was preparing for your arrival, hehe."

Toriel, in her long strides, sped ahead.

Chara didn't want to leave Toriel waiting, but something about the tree irked her.

She walked up to it and placed her hand on the trunk. 

Why was this so familiar?

Red petals crunched under her feet.

She dragged her hand around the tree, looping up and down, and side to side. She tried to pull something, some semblance of a memory out of her mind, but nothing came.

Scratches and white marks were left on the palm of her hand.

She pressed her hand harder into the trunk, and then took it off.

The uneven bark left indentations on her hand which slowly faded away.


She moved passed the tree.

Looking ahead, She saw something unlike anything else in the ruins.

It's Toriel's home.

*The two open windows and a large entrance without a door make a comically large face.

I should hurry up, Toriel's probably waiting.

Something else caught her eye.

A stary light hovered above a bed of red petals.

She moved over to it and pushed her hand into it.

*The possibility of recovering lost memories compels you forward.

A warmth spread through her body.

"Chara! Are you okay out there?"

Chara jumps slightly.

"I'm coming!"

Entering the house, Chara was blinded by the lights and the beige-colored walls.

Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but Chara was getting used to the grey walls and dim lighting provided by torches. This in comparison, is blinding.

Toriel was waiting. When Chara entered, Toriel waved at her to come closer. 

She could see a staircase leading down to some part of the house.

Who knows what secrets it may hide?

Toriel smiled widely.

"Surprise! I baked a cinnamon and butterscotch pie!"


A wave of nausea washed over Chara, nearly sending her to the ground.

She pressed a hand to her head.

Seeing Chara wobbling a little, Toriel quickly rushed up to her.

"Are you alright? Don't lie to me, I can heal you if you are."

The nausea quickly passed and she stood upright again.

"I-I'm fine. What were you saying about the pie?"

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