Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

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A jarring rap on the door snapped Asgore out of his thoughts. He was tending to his flowers in the throne room reminiscing on good times.

"Yes? Who is it?" He asked, continuing to water his flowers.

The door slammed open with a force only one specific member of the Royal Guard could manage.

"Ah, so It's Undyne. Please don't slam the doors like that. With your strength, they come off the hinges one of these days."

"Yeah, yeah old man. I get it, you don't need to lecture me," Undyne groaned.

Asgore chuckles in a low tone, slight rumblings shaking through the ground.

 "Alright, what's the thing that got you so riled up this time? Did you burn up your house again while cooking?"

Undyne growls in agitation. There was clearly something on her mind and she wasn't in the mood for joking.

"Asgore, I told you to never bring— No, that's not what I'm here for."


Asgore turned around, finally facing Undyne.

"There's a human loose in the underground."

"Another one?"


Asgore let out a hefty sigh before putting his watering can to the ground.

"What is their status?"

"A— There haven't been any signs of wrongdoing,"

"Oh? Then what is the issue?

"Just because there haven't been signs or wrongdoing yet doesn't mean that there won't be. My intuition tells me that they are dangerous. There is no such thing as a human that isn't selfish and violent! I don't believe this cutesy, "Oh, I don't want to hurt anyone", act! They are putting on a facade, some sort of sick masquerade so that they can lash out at a critical moment!"


"Royal Codex page 6 section II article 5.2 specifically states that a Royal Guard member must request either the King or Queen for approval when dealing with a human in the underground. With the Queen missing from the Royal Court, you are the only one with the power to grant such a request. I need your approval to deal with this human before things get out of hand."

"No. The answer is no," Asgore replied with unwavering finality.

Undyne's momentum wavered for a moment, her mouth open in shock as the muscles in her jaw clenched up.

With her hands clenched tight, Undyne began again.

"Don't you see how much of a liability this is?! The human has already entered Waterfall! Who knows what they plan to do? At the rate they are progressing, there is a non-zero chance that they are aiming for your head!"

"Undyne, stop it. They haven't done anything wrong, and they're most likely just a child. I won't condone an unfair execution."

"A child? Since when has that stopped you in the past? "Anything for the liberty of the Monster race" was your exact words were they not? Even if this human is truly innocent, we are one human soul away from breaking the barrier. Their soul will be enough to—"

"That's enough Undyne."

"Is it because of the Queen? Did her unexpected departure make you soft?! Your little act of mercy won't bring her ba—"

"I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!" Asgore's voice and fury shook the very foundations that they stood on.

"The needs of the Monster Race have changed, Undyne. I have been thinking since Tor— the Queen left. Why are we so desperate to leave? The underground has been enough to supply us for generations and our people are happy the way they are. Why try to break out when that would inevitably lead to another war? If what you say about humans is true, then no matter what we do we will eventually either end up back in the underground or even worse, extinct. The fact that the King has the blood of 7 humans on their hands won't help with our case either."


"No more buts Undyne. I'll give you permission to strictly watch over the human and to only attack when it's absolutely necessary, understood?"

"I— Understood..."

"Good, you are dismissed."

Undyne nodded her head and left, her gills still flared from the heated argument.

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