N - 1 / Snowdin - Cool Dude

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Chara's body shot up. She hadn't expected anyone to be here and another wave of panic flowed through her. 

She quickly wiped her face in attempt to cover up any indication of her current emotional state, thought it was not very effective.

"W-who is it?" She asked nervously.

"It is me! The Great Papyrus! And I have come to capture you!"

She spun around, verifying that indeed, it was Papyrus, still wearing the strange armor.

Her anxiety shot up even more. At this rate, she might faint from all the adrenaline rushing throughout her body.

Shit, did he see what happened? No, no. He couldn't have! Why didn't he stop those two if he had?

Chara swallowed the excess saliva building up in her mouth.

"B-but I didn't do anything!" 

Chara then winced as images of the dog couple dusting away reappeared in her mind.

"Don't pretend! You're a human! And if I deliver a human to Asgore he'll put me into the Royal Gaurd for sure! Then I will have the fame, glory, and so many frie... why are your eyes so red and puffy? Were you crying?"

Papyrus' tone changes spontaneously.

"What's wrong, human?" Papyrus asked.

"N-nothing's w-wrong," she replied, stuttering all over the place.

He took a few steps closer and stared into her eyes suspiciously, his sockets somehow squinting and his hand on his chin.

Those beady white speaks seemingly peering straight through her and into her soul.

Chara quickly wiped the sweat off the palms of her hands.

She tried to keep eye contact so as to not arouse any suspicion. 

In those moments of eye contact, Chara could have sworn she had seen a slight flicker of his face, a millisecond of confusion and shock, quickly covered up by an attempt at conversation.

"Human! There's nothing to be scared of! You can tell me what happened and I'll do my best to comfort you! It is the least I can do before capturing you." 

Chara simply shook her head.

Despite not divulging any information, she had a feeling that Papyrus already knew what had taken place.

Maybe he was just trying to pry a confession out of her.

Papyrus looked to the side while scratching his skull.

"Maybe some of my renowned spaghetti can cheer you up?"

"N-no thanks, I-I swear t-that I'm fi—."

Her voice cracked on the last word she was trying to say.

Chara coughed, trying to clear her throat and calm her nerves.

"Papyrus, I-I'm fine, really!" she said backing away slowly.

"Are you sure?" A deeper voice asked.

Chara jumped again and she could feel her heart skip a beat.

"Sans! Don't go around scaring people like that! It's rude!" Papyrus chided.

Sans lifted his hands as if he had been caught indulging in a bad habit.

"My bad bro."

Chara turned around. Sans was there smiling like always, but this time Chara could feel that something was wrong with his smile. 

It looked forced, like he was pretending for some great show.

"Been busy, huh?"

Chara felt a shiver crawl down her spine.

Sans the shrugged.

"Can't believe that you wouldn't invite me to talk with our little friend here, Papyrus." 

"And yet it looks like you invited yourself anyway. At least help me cheer the human up. Your little prank has scared her still."

She couldn't shake the feeling that these two knew much more than they let on. Especially Sans.

She swallowed again.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Sans didn't look very apologetic.

Chara couldn't find it in herself to reply.

The conversation devolved into an awkward silence.



"... I know! Why don't we solve some puzzles to take our minds off of whatever you're stressed about?"

Chara paused.

"... Sure."

Papyrus' face lit up immediately and quickly he rushed forward to the next area.

Chara tried to follow but Sans had somehow made his way around her and blocked her path.


Chara stumbled back.

"W-what is it S-sans?"

"Just a piece of advice for ya."

His white pupils disappear from their sockets.

"There are consequences to your actions."

Chara could feel herself shaking.

"If you can't keep that in your skull I might have to break some promises that I planned on keeping."

His pupils return.

"And nobody wants that to happen."

With that, Sans turned and walked away. Leaving Chara to think about his words.

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