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‹ MiraaChe ‹ has posted a new chapter!- ͙۪۪̥˚

┊❛ welcome to chapter thirty-three❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌

✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚ヾ◌

The students flinched as footsteps echoed through the classroom, the window shutting down abruptly as Severus hurried into the room with Rosabelle in tow.

SNAP! Severus pulled down a screen over the blackboard and turned around to face the class.

Rosabelle settled into the desk at the back of the class, observing the students. Dumbledore had requested Severus and Rosabelle to be substitute teachers for the Defence Against the Dark Arts class. Rosabelle couldn't help but feel a bit puzzled as to why the Headmaster wanted her to assist Severus, considering her husband's excellence in that particular subject.

"Turn to page 394."

As the students observed Severus with guarded curiosity, Draco finished scrawling something on a bit of parchment and balled it up in his hands. As he opened them, a moth fluttered from his palms.

Harry asked, "Excuse me, sir, but... where's Professor Lupin?"

"That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say, your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Page 394," Severus answered, narrowing his eyes at the boy.

Rosabelle rose from her seat and strolled around the classroom, making sure each student had indeed turned their book to page 394.

She waved the moth away before raising an eyebrow at Draco, who grinned mischievously at her. She silently mouthed to him, "Focus, Draco."

Draco smirked and shrugged, returning his attention to his book.

Severus tapped the projector, and a slide show began. An ancient woodcut of a horrific beast flickered at the front of the room. Ron scowled at his book as Severus cast a spell, causing his page to flip to 394.

"Werewolves?" Ron expressed his confusion.

"But, sir, we've only just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks," Hermione protested.

Severus huffed, "Quiet."

Rosabelle tilted her head, somewhat surprised. She was pretty sure Hermione wasn't there in the beginning. But she suddenly remembered the girl telling her a while ago about the Time-Turner.

Severus asked, "Now. Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?"

Rosabelle wasn't surprised by Severus' choice of topic; they had discussed it beforehand. They both understood the importance of addressing the truth about it, especially given recent events. Severus wanted to ensure that the students were well-informed. He didn't trust Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.

As the class remained silent, staring at a slide depicting an attacking werewolf, Hermione anxiously awaited someone to respond to Severus' question, while a moth fluttered by Harry. It was a topic that piqued their curiosity, and Rosabelle couldn't help but wonder how much the students knew about it.

Severus let out a sigh, paying no attention to Hermione's raised hand. "No one? How... disappointing."

Observing her husband's stern expression, Rosabelle shook her head. She was well aware of his intention to deduct points from Gryffindor, but she wasn't about to let that happen under her watch. "Go on, Miss Granger."

Severus glanced at Rosabelle for a fleeting moment, and she responded with a mischievous smile. There was no chance he would do that to her favorite student, not in front of her.

Hermione exchanged a subtle smile with Rosabelle before proceeding.

"Please, sir, an Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice in the matter. Furthermore, the werewolf actively hunts humans and responds only to the call of its own kind..."

Draco released a low howl before yelping in surprise as someone smacked the back of his head with a book, not enough to hurt him. Turning around, he found Rosabelle wearing a menacing smile. Just as he was about to whine, Severus intervened.

"Thank you, Malfoy." Severus glared sternly at the boy.

He went on, "I prescribe two rolls of parchment on the werewolf by Monday morning, with particular emphasis placed on recognizing it."

A collective sigh swept through the students as the burden of additional homework settled in.

"But sir, it's Quidditch tomorrow."

He suddenly turned toward Harry, "Then I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter. Loss of limbs will not excuse you. Page 394."

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"You were brilliant in class earlier. If I were your DADA teacher, I'd give you 50 points," Rosabelle said, tousling Hermione's hair as the girl beamed.

"But... why did Professor Snape teach us that topic?"

Rosabelle hummed, "You'll find out soon. For now, don't stress about it. If you have any issues with the essay—which, I doubt you will—feel free to ask for my help."

"Thank you, Professor." Hermione hugged Rosabelle tightly before hurrying off to her next class.


Rosabelle turned around and found Harry Potter standing there, his head bowed as if burdened by worry.

"Yes, Harry?"

"I... I have a bad feeling about tomorrow. Quidditch, I mean."

Rosabelle's expression softened as she drew Harry into a comforting embrace. "You'll be okay. I'll make sure of it. I'll be there tomorrow. You can rely on me more, Harry," she assured him, gently running her fingers through his hair.

Harry nodded, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. He needed this reassurance, now more than ever, and Rosabelle did just that.

"You needn't worry about losing any limbs," Rosabelle teased.

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