First day jitters

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"Miss. Miranda?" I smile as I look up at the reception. "Mr. Reigns is ready for you. If you'll just follow me." I nod as I stand and smooth out my white pencil dress.

"Okay. Thank you." I look at where I was sitting to make sure I have everything. Following behind her, I take a look around the office and it almost reminds me of the office on the show suits. All glass walls and doors looking into the offices. And the way the women here dress makes me glad I went with this dress.

The receptionist Heather knocks on the door as she opens it. He looks up from his desk, "Come in." She opens the door wide, walking in first.

"Miss. Miranda, this is our CEO, Mr. Reigns." She motions me to have a seat. I look at her and nod. When I turn my head to Mr. Reigns my mouth goes dry. He stands and makes his way around his glass top desk. He stands at  6 '6". His long dark hair is pulled back in a man bun. Something I definitely wasn't expecting. He's got a beard that's faded down from his side burns. But his eyes, his gray eyes almost hypnotize me.

There's something very familiar about him. Like I've met him before. Maybe it'll come to me.

"You may go Heather." He stands
in front of me looking into my eyes not bothering to look at Heather when he addresses her.

"I thought I was to sit in on the interview?" I furrow my brow wondering what the big deal is, when he finally looks at her.

"I said you may go." His voice is gruff leaving no room for argument. She nods her head. Trying to lighten the mood I feel the need to say something.

"It was very nice meeting you Heather. Thank you." She smiles and nods again before leaving, closing the door behind her.

When I turn back to Mr. Reigns he's closer than he was before. I'm forced to crane my neck to look up at him. His cologne is intoxicating, it's a mixture of sandalwood and something else I can't quite pinpoint.

"Please, Miss. Miranda have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?" I sit in one to the overstuffed armchairs in front of his desk. Waving my hand at his offer.

"Oh no, no I'm fine. Thank you. And please, call me Eva. " I smile, placing my clutch on the seat next to me; as I cross my legs. He nods, and his eyes dart to my legs and linger for a moment longer than they should. He licks his bottom, the action making my thighs clench. He notices, and his face breaks into a smirk. He takes a seat in the armchair next to me instead of going back to his seat behind his desk. He sits back and crosses his legs.

"So Eva, tell me about yourself." He places his arms on the armrest.

"Well, I just graduated with a bachelor's degree in business." I hand him the folder with the copy of my light resume. "I've only worked in retail part time, since I was going to school full time. So I don't have any experience. Except for a few months of interning, but that was on the island at a much smaller agency." His gray eyes have been watching me the entire time. And the fact that he hasn't opened up the folder doesn't seem like a good sign.

I was stupid for even showing up here. Grabbing my bag I decide I've made a big enough fool of myself and stand up, "I'm sorry Mr. Reigns, I've wasted enough of your time. I'll be going now." I extend my hand to him as he stands. But he doesn't take it. When I look up he's smiling with a quirked brow.

"Please, call me Rome. And don't you think that I, as the CEO, should decide if my time has been wasted or not?" I jerk my head back, and open and close my mouth like a fish out of water not sure what to say. "Please, Eva. Don't go just yet." He takes my hand in his as he motions with his free hand toward the chair.

"O-okay, Rome." As I turn to sit back down I hear him groan. I sit and cross my legs at the ankles this time and keep my eyes on my hands clasped together in my lap. As I wring my hands; Rome places his fingertips under my chin and brings my face up to look at him. The gentleness behind his touch isn't something I'd expect from a man of his size.

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