Careful what you wish for

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"Please wake up baby girl. I've been waiting patiently, but it's getting hard." I can hear his voice. It's shaky, and raspy. Like he's barely holding it together. "Why aren't you waking up?" I slowly start to open my eyes and close them again fast. The brightness of the room burning my eyes. "There you are little one!" I feel him climb over me and into the bed, where he lays beside me. I feel his arm snake its way under my neck and head so he can pull me close to him. He cradles me, my head resting on his shoulder.

"MMmm." I hum trying to open my eyes. They flutter a few times before I can keep them open. I'm squinting but I can still see Rome. His button down shirt is splattered with blood, and torn a bit by the collar. "What happened? Where am I?" I try to sit up to look around but he gently pushes me back down.

"I'll Explain everything but you must lay down. You should be perfectly fine, but I still want you to rest." I settle back and snuggle my body against his. Craning my neck back so I can look up at his face. I raise my brows a bit just waiting for him to start. "So we were on our way home when my car was jackknifed by a tractor trailer. It sent the car flying, we flipped a few times before it came to a stop. The driver was a Vamp. The same one who was following you when you on the sidewalk. He tried to take you. He must have been so eager that he forgot about me." His eyes turn red as a sinister smile grows on his face.

"What did you do to him?" His hand brushes up my arm to my shoulder,  pushing my hair behind me. His fingers brush back and forth over my shoulder and neck softly. I close my eyes just enjoying his gentle touch.

"I tore his head from his body." My eyes shoot open and look right into his.

"In front of everyone?" he shakes his head with a smirk on his face.

"No silly, nobody was around us yet to see. I made it look like it happened in the accident." I nod my head slowly, taking in his explanation. My eye's trail down from his eyes to his dirty and torn shirt in front of me.

"Who's blood is that? His?" He lets out a sigh and his hand stops and he rests it over my waist.

"It's yours." I look back up but his eyes aren't looking into mine. He's staring at my chin I think.

"How am I still alive, and in my own bed if I lost that much blood?"

"Fuck, how am I going to tell her?" I jerk my head back hearing his thoughts clear as day. And it's not like when he's spoken to me in thought's, no. He's talking to himself internally and I can hear it like he spoke out loud. I slowly pick myself up on my elbow, arching a brow.

"How are you going to tell me what?" His eye's lock on mine, and the red in his eyes drains so they are completely gray again. His mouth opens almost forming an O shape, and his eyes widen.

"You heard me thinking? How?" I sit up completely now and kneel on the bed facing him. I'm about to answer when I realize I don't feel any pain...anywhere. There aren't any scratches on my body, not even dried up blood, which means he must have washed me up.

"I don't know. How am I not in any pain after a horrible car accident? And I'm only going to ask one last time; how am I still alive?"

He lets out a long breath and sits up straight as always. "I fed you my blood. And it healed you." Ohhhh.

"Does that mean I'm a vampire now?" His eyes go wide and he frantically shakes his head.

"No baby, no. You have to have my venom in you to become one." My brows furrow.

"Why didn't you just make me one?" His mouth opens and closes like a fish. "Will it affect the mate bond if you change me?" My anxiety rises thinking about him not wanting me anymore if I change. But if he doesn't change me I'll grow old and die. I don't want that. I back up shaking my head when he doesn't answer right away. Every bad scenario playing in my head. He quickly shakes his head and cups my face in his hands, stopping my head movement.

"No, no, no,no baby. I just didn't do it because I wasn't sure if you were 100% on board with becoming a vampire. I didn't want to change you just to have you hate me for doing it." I start to breathe again, and my face softens to almost a smile at his answer.

My hands grip his wrists pulling his hands from my face. I tilt my head wondering how he could think that way. "Roman, I could never, EVER hate you. Not for any reason." I shake my head slightly. I look down at his hands holding mine in my lap. "You are all I have Rome. Without you, I'd be alone." He lifts my chin with his index and middle fingers, making me look him in the eyes. My eye's burn trying to hold back tears. "I love you Rome, and I don't want to live even one day without you." One corner of his closed mouth turns up for a moment, before he nods to himself. He pulls me into his lap cupping the side of my face, and presses his lips to mine. It's soft, and passionate. When he pulls away he rests his forehead on mine. I open my eyes and stare into his.

"Please forgive me." I try to ask him what for, but before I can; in a flash my head is tilted and his fangs are deep in my neck. I let out a scream when they rip through my skin, nothing like when we made love. I start to feel a red hot burning sensation.  It starts In my neck and eventually spreads all over. My whole body is on fire.

 He starts to drink my blood, sucking hard. I squeeze my eyes closed and bite my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming again. I hear him groan in my ear, lost in a drunken blood stupor. I feel myself starting to grow tired, my grip around his neck grows weak, and my arm drops. And just before darkness completely takes over I hear Rome. "I love you." I stare off into the blurriness, feeling a tear slip down my cheek. And then it's just blackness, and silence.

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