Why is this happening

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"What was that?" Romes eye's still red, widen; taking the words right out of my mouth. My eyes search his face as if the answer is written somewhere on it.

"I-I don't know. It was like your bite unlocked a memory. When I tried to remember that night before, it was like you were blocked from my memory. I could remember how you made me feel.  I just couldn't remember that it was you who made me feel that way." The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open. Luckily there isn't anyone waiting in his office for him, and nobody can see us from where we were standing. I slip down to stand and fix my skirt before walking out. Still in a daze as I slowly walk to my desk. "Is it possible for someone or something to block my memories? Or would there be a way that I did it myself?" I don't know why I would want to block him out, or how I could even do it? But anything is possible I guess. I turn to Rome who seems to be frozen in place standing behind his desk, lost in thought. He hasn't heard a word I said.

I walk over to him, raising my hand gently to his face to pull him in my direction. He startles and flinches away for a second before catching himself. I go to pull my hand away when he grabs it and brings my palm to his cheek, closing his eyes when we touch. "Where'd you go, Rome? I asked you a question and you didn't even hear me." He opens his eyes and his brows pinch.

"The red head, she may have had something to do with the memory block." I jerk my head back, and my eyes dart between his. "Some Vampires have very unique powers. Some can compel, some can make you forget things without even talking to you. Erica has those powers. If you made eye contact with her at all that night; that's all she needed to wipe your memory of me."

"She could be that jealous, even knowing as a vampire that you had a Mate somewhere in the world? She surely knew she had her own she would find one day. Why do that to you or me?" Rome lets out a sigh, pulling his chair back and takes a seat. He pulls me in front of him and sits me on top of his desk.

"She lost her mate." My shoulders sag at the thought of losing Rome. I can't imagine what she must have gone through losing her mate. "He refused to let her change him. He wanted to remain human longer, and was hit by a car. She wasn't with him when it happened. If she was, she might have been able to save him or change him."

"That's awful. I can't imagine the pain she must have felt." He bends forward resting his forehead on my knees, while his hands caress my calves.

"I had gone so long without meeting my mate, I just assumed my mate must have died before I met her. That's the only reason why I agreed to be in a relationship with her. I held out for over 100 years. I never got involved with anyone in hopes you were just around the corner waiting for me." He picks his head up from my lap and pulls me into his lap. I snuggle close to him and lay my head on his shoulder. "When I picked up your scent it was like it erased the last few years I had spent with her. Nobody and nothing else existed but you." I start to get a thick, heavy feeling in my stomach, that almost makes me want to throw up at the thought of Roman with another girl. At the same time I have a pain in my chest wondering if he loved her more than he loves me. "Hey." I didn't realize I had zoned out in my own thoughts till I turned my chin up to face him. "What's going on in there?" He motions to my head lifting his chin up and back down.

"Nothing, just my own stupid insecure thoughts making me crazy. That's all. I'm fine."

"I love you Eva. I have never felt a love like this before, and never will again. You are everything I have been waiting for. There is no need to feel insecure." I look down at my fingers fiddling with my bracelet. I feel so stupid for doubting him, but nobody has ever really loved me. Why should someone start now? "Please talk to me Eva. Tell me what your so worried about?" I let out a long sigh, and covered my face with my hands before combing them through my hair.

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