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"My death?" I nod my head.  Slowly he walks over to the bed still carrying me.  He sits on the edge, and brings my chin up to look at him.  "Tell me."  I look into his eyes and I know I have to tell him.  If for no other reason but to hear him say it was all just a dream.

  Letting out a long sigh, I start to tell him the whole thing. His eyes stay on me the entire time. The frown never leaving his face.  I try to remember every detail, even though I would much rather forget it all.  By the time I finsh I'm on the verge of hyperventilating.  He cups my face bringing me closer to kiss me breifly before pulling me to his chest to hug me tight. 

The tears still stream down my face as he holds me, rocking me side to side.  He strokes my head, as his other hand sneaks under the hem of shirt.  The touch of his skin on mine sends a warmth to my heart, finally helping it to slow down.

"Ava, I never spoke to any stranger who at any point told me to stay away from you.  And all though I did go through a dark time in my life, it was never to the extreme that you are describing."  I sit back on his legs to see his face.  His frown is gone, but he still carries a look of concern.  "My love, that was a horrible dream.  I wont deny that."  His thumb wipes away  my tear before it reaches my jaw.  "But that's all it was.  Just a horrible Dream."  My diaphram spasms as I try to take a deep breath while nodding in agreement.

"I know.  I know it was just a dream.  But it felt so real Rome."  He looks down for a moment watching his hands brush up and down my thighs.

"Maybe it's just your subconscious telling you that you aren't ready to run a pack?  I know you said you'd reconsider, but Love your mind is obviously trying to tell you not to."  A flood of emotions washes over me.  I know it's a mixture of his and mine combined.  I'm about to tell him he's right when out of nowhere I'm hit with nausea.  My eyes widen as I scramble to climb off his lap, and run straight into the bathroom.  I thank all that is holy when I see the lid is up.  As soon as I hover over the bowl the contents in my stomach shoots out of my mouth.  Within seconds Rome is beside me gathering my hair.  He holds it, acting like a hair tie.  When it feels like theres nothing left, and my stomach stops heaving I spit out any reminance in my mouth.  Flushing the toilet, Rome helps me to my feet.  I rinse my mouth with water before grabing my tooth brush and load it with tooth paste. "What was that?"  I look up and meet his eyes in the mirror.  The look of concern back on his beautiful face.  I spit and rinse again.  I grab the hand towel to dry my face. 

"I don't know."  I place the towel back and turn to face him. "That came on out of nowhere.  I think I just made myself sick."  Romes hand wraps around mine when he guides me back to bed. 

"Lay down Babygirl.  Lets try to get you back to sleep, okay?"  I nod my head and climb under the blankets.  I wait for him to lay down to lay my head on his shoulder.  His arm wraps around my back holding me close.  "Everything will be ok.  I don't like you worrying yourself to the point of horrific nightmares, and vomitting.  Nothing is that important."  I push myself up leaning on my arm to look at him.

"You!"  I yell, but he doesn't even flinch.  As I stradle his hips he lifts his shoulders off the bed supporting himself on his elbows.  "You are that important idiot!  You mean more to me than anything!  This whole world could burn down, and I wouldn't give a shit as long as you are by my side." I pound his broad chest with my fists, but after everything I'm so weak.  It probably feels like pebbles hitting him.  He doesn't stop me at first.  Just allows me to get my frustrations out.  When he sits up his hands grab my wrists.  He gathers them in one hand pulling me to him with the other.

"I love you so much little one.  And I will never leave your side. Do you hear me?" I nod laying the side of my head on his chest. "The only thing your dream got right is that I will never regret loving you."  He kisses my forehead and leans his head against mine.  I snuggle in closer and give in, relaxing against his chest.  Holding me in place he lays back down.  He starts to hum a melody that sounds familiar, but I can't remember where I've heard it.  I continue to listen as I close my eyes and surrnender to sleep.


This whole week we've been preparing to go back to the states and meet the rest of the pack.  I told Andrew that I would reconsider giving up my position as Luna.  But after that horrid dream I had, something in me doesn't want it.  Every time I think about it I get sick to my stomach.  

I didn't know Vampires could get sick.  Then again I'm part shifter, so who the hell knows. Nobody has ever heard of this happening.  Rome had ask Andrew to look into it.  Maybe he could find someone else who was a turned shifter.  As of right now there's been nothing but a lot of dead ends.  I stand from the toilet wiping my mouth with toilet paper.  Flushing I look over at the sink and remember we already packed the tooth brushes.  I walk out to the bedroom where the luggage is. I start rummaging threw my bag when Rome walks in.

"Sick again?"  Without looking over I nod.

"Yes! I found it!"  I hold up my toothbrush, and grab the toothpaste. I make my way back into the bathroom talking over my shoulder. "I don't know whats up with me.  This whole week I've been feeling off.  But last night and this morning have been unbearable.  I haven't thrown up in years."  Bending over the sink as I brush my teeth.  I look up at Rome in the doorway.  He's shirtless.  His arm level with his head as he leans on his forearm against the door frame watching me.

"Maybe it's just the stress of everything going on?  Maybe its the after affects of what ever Peters witch cooked up?  Him dying might cause after effects.  Almost like you lost an actual mate."  I stop brushing for a second. I think about that being a possibility.  Pulling the brush from my mouth to spit and rinse, I look up at myself in the mirror as clean my brush off.  I look paler than usual.  But nothing else has changed. Rome walks up behind me caging me in as he leans his hands on the counter.

"You still look absolutely gorgeous."  his smile is whats really gorgeous.  He smirks when he bends down to place a kiss on my shoulder. I reach up placing my hand on the back of his neck.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" I ask him as he wraps his arms around me. His eyes meet mine in the mirror.

"I think I can imagine."  He squeezes me as I laugh at his nonchalant facial expression.

"You're such an ass."  He spins me around and places me sitting on the counter now. 

"You better watch that mouth of your's.  Or else, once you feel better I'll put it to good use."  I raise a brow to challenge him.

"Why wait? I'm feeling better already." He stands to his full height, and pulls me by my thighs to the edge of the counter. He takes a step closer brushing himself up against my core. Immediately my core aches in reaction to his touch. Brushing my long hair over the back of my shoulders he starts to shake his head.

"As much as I would love that right now, I don't think it's a good idea after just being sick." I pout but all that does is make him chuckle. "Come on my little one. Get dressed so we can go.  We can get this meet and greet with the pack over with and then," he cranes his neck bringing his face infront of mine. "I can make you my wife." He smiles as he leans forward to kiss my lips.

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