Birth Right

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"Tonight is just about you and I."  I'm so confused as we make our way to the front door of a beautiful mansion. I can see the gorgeous chandelier through a huge window over the front double door.

"Rome?" I try to reach out and get nothing.

"You won't be able to reach him. At least I don't think you will. He may have blocked you out knowing your with me." I shake my head.

"No, that's not true. He would never block me out. He's probably freaking out not knowing where I am." As he gets to the top step, one of the front doors opens. An older gentleman, with salt and pepper hair in a servant's uniform, opens it.  He bows as we walk past.

"Alpha, Luna." My head shoots to him when I hear the name Luna.

"How does he know who I am?" I look back at Peter, he's wearing his sexy smirk again when he looks at me. "What? What did I say now?" He sits down on an overstuffed leather couch, with me on his lap. Everything in here is dark wood, and leather. A true bachelor pad.

"The fact that you don't deny that you are my Luna makes me smile. And you can redecorate however you like if you choose to stay with me." He gives me a knowing look, and I just look down shaking my head. I adjust myself to straddle his lap so I am able to face him. As comfortable as I am in his personal space, and having him in mine; I still sit on his legs.  With enough space between us that our chests and crotches don't have the ability to touch.

"Like I said before, I'm not rejecting you, and I won't deny that I am supposed to be your Luna. But I'm no longer a shifter, and I have a mate in someone else. How will that all work? And what happened with my parents? Since you brought it up a while back.  I still haven't been able to get much information from anyone else. All I know is they left me and I've bounced around my whole life, with the exception of my last foster family." Thinking about my foster family brings me sadness. Knowing they never really loved me or cared. I look down and start to play with his shirt buttons, a lump forming in my throat. "But even they didn't care much for my well being . It was like they were just keeping an eye on me like when you house sit for someone." Peter clears his throat before he speaks. His hand comes up to push hair behind my ear. The feel of his fingers that brush along the shell of my ear has me leaning into his touch without much thought about it.

"They kept an eye on you for me."  His voice is almost a whisper. When I open my eyes to look up at him, there's no cockiness, no joking. His brows are slightly raised and pinched, but his eyes are soft. "After your parents were murdered I lost track of you for a long time. I found someone I could trust that worked in the foster system. They found you. I found out who the family was that had you, and how horrible they were to you.  So I had my inside person place you with the family you know now. I bought the house next door, not long after you were placed with them, to keep you close. And the rest, is history." He gives a lopsided grin, his hand cups the side of my jaw. His thumb brushes my cheek. I close my eyes, and I lean into his touch. He slowly leans in to me, while pulling my face towards his. I slowly open my eyes, to see he's a hair width away from me. I can feel the ghost of his lips against mine when he asks, "Please? I need to finally kiss you." Without thought I whisper.

"Yesss." I close my eyes when his lips touch mine. There's a bright flash of light. White light turns to pink, the pink darkens to purple. Another explosion, and it's like a million tiny white sparks are falling and floating around. As they clear a shape starts to take form in the distance. It's black and fuzzy. It started off small but the closer it gets the bigger and clearer it becomes. It starts to move faster through the sparks as they clear, and I can finally make it out. It's a wolf! She is beautiful. Her black fur is shiny like silk, with golden eyes. She is my wolf! I snap from the vision. My face is turned up toward the ceiling above me when my eyes open. Slowly I drag my eyes down, moving my head down at the same time. I'm still seated straddling Peter's lap. When my eyes meet his they shimmer. He has a bright smile that meets his eyes.

"She's awake? Isn't she?" I slowly nod my head. Still in shock by all this.

"Mate! My Mate!" I can hear her in my head.

"Who? Who is our mate? " I ask, not sure what I want her answer to be. She's pacing back and forth, but when his hand comes up to cup my face again; she jumps for joy.

"Mate! Peter!" my breath stutters out, as I try to regain control of my wits. My wolf is no help. Peter's chuckle brings me back to what's in front of me.

"uh, yes. Yes she is." I scratch the side of my head. "It's so strange. It's like having another person in your head. I can't shut her up." Peter laughs through his nose trying to stifle it.

"What is she saying?" His voice is full of joy. He tilts his and quirks a brow, with his lips pursed. I cross my arms because he knows full well what she's saying. She's given me the proof I needed.

"She's claiming you. She's calmed down now but she just kept saying mate." He looks down smiling, his pearly whites still on full display, but this time his cheeks turn red. Is he embarrassed? or flattered.

"A little bit of both." he answers. My hands cover my eyes in frustration.

"Okay, you have to stop listening to my thoughts or at least teach me how to shut it off. You don't need to hear everything." He chuckles as he pulls my hands from my face. He dips his head down to look at my face.

"But I like listening to you." I look up at him "It's the only way I ever get to hear how hot you think I am. You've never said it out loud." I open and close my mouth before saying something that I know won't come out right. I quickly deflate knowing this is all real and he isn't lying about who he is or what we are.

"I've always found you hot. But you were older, and it was inappropriate. And then when I saw you again after so long, I was with Roman. Rome." I say looking past Peter's face whispering. "Fuck, what am I going to do?" I ask out loud but not really looking for an answer.

"Eva, all of this," he raises his spread out arms with his hands open, referring to the house. "This is all yours. It was always yours. It's your birthright. Your family was royalty, and I as your mate am the alpha. The moon Goddess made you for me. My Luna. Rome may have told you that you are his mate, but there are a lot of other things he has yet to tell you. I warned him that he had to tell you the truth that day I came to the office. He knew that you were my mate. Did he tell you that?" My eyes widen at this discovery. I slowly move my head from side to side. "I didn't think so. I won't hold you here. I just ask that you give me one night. It's still early, since we met for lunch. You don't have to sleep with me. I won't push you to do anything you don't want to do. Just give me tonight, and I'll take you back home in the morning. Can you give me that?" He pulls me closer, and I catch myself placing my hands on his chest so I don't fall into him. He brushes his nose to mine to get my attention. I look up into his eyes, and he already knows my answer.

"Yes, I can give you tonight."

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