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Monday morning came faster than I'd liked. I stayed in my apartment all weekend. I had Groceries, and cleaning supplies delivered. I cleaned up around the place before vegging out in front of the t.v. binge watching different shows I'd been meaning to catch up on, but never had the time for. Which was just what I needed since I felt so tired. This morning is no different, even after 10 hours of sleep. I woke up this morning not only feeling exhausted, but when I got up to walk to the bathroom my muscles ached.

Since I don't feel so hot today I decide to keep it simple. I pick out my dress pants, and a sleeveless blouse with heals for work. Place my hair in a bun and do my normal makeup routine.

I decide to uber to work. Not in the mood to drive, or walk. When I get to the office Heather is in her usual spot. Her face looking surprised when I come through the doors of the main elevator instead of Romes private one.

"Good morning, Miss. Miranda. Alone this morning?" Why didn't I let Rome just fire her again?

"No, we had a long night last night, and I needed extra time this morning. You know how it is." I shoot her a wink when her jaw drops, I just keep walking. Removing the smirk as I get to Romes office door. I don't want him taking anything out on her. I push open his glass door, looking up my eyes meet his. "Good morning Rome." I give a small smile as I walk over to my desk putting my bag down. His eyes drag up and down my body.

"Good morning Babygirl." His voice sound off, and when I look at him again the color of his eyes that are usually a shimmering gray are now red.

"Have you fed? You don't look so good." He looks out his window, swallowing hard. I watch his adams apple move in his throat.

"No, I didn't get the chance too." Dropping my arms to my side, and my face to my chest I let out a sigh before walking over to his side, behind his desk.

"Drink" I say holding out my exposed wrist. He looks at it for a moment before shaking his head to say no. "Come on Rome, just do it. You need to. You have meetings all day, you 'll need your strength." Again he just shakes his head. "Is my blood not good enough for you now?" His eyes shoot to mine, and he furrows his brows.

"Don't be ridiculous. Your blood is perfect for me. But I'm not going to feed off of you. Not until I know where we stand." I take his hands gently into mine, ready to beg him to drink. I look down surprised. There's no tingles. I look up at his face, his eyes are back to gray, but otherwise shows no signs of not feeling the tingles. "I'm fine Ava, I promise. I have a bag hidden in our bathroom, I'll suck it down before I go in to the meeting." I walk away getting the chart to get the conference room ready.

"You could always drain Heather dry. Nobody here would miss that bitch." I say it under my breath, but he heard me.

"Did she say something to you?" He stands from his desk and slowly makes his way towards me.

"Not really, just a snarky remark about me getting off the elevator alone. I put her in her place and shot her wink. It aggravated her so I'm fine." I shrug a shoulder, and wince at the movement. Concern covers his face when he touches my shoulder.

"What happened? What did you do this weekend?" I scoff, knowing full well he knows I was home all weekend.

"I'm fine, i just slept funny last night. I move away to leave.

As the morning drags by, I feel myself getting worse. My hands start getting shaky. I drink some water but it doesn't seem to help. Lunch time comes around and I'm starving, but nauseous at the same time. I'm tired and ache. And now my chest feels tight. I look at the clock and decide I'm going to run to the deli next door. I grab my bag from my desk and lock my computer.

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