Getting answers

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"Please just hear me out." I try to reason with him, but before I can say a word he's kicked back his chair and is on his feet. He bends down leaning forward on his fists planted on either side of me; caging me in.

"I do not want you anywhere near him by yourself. Am I clear?" A scowl on his face and his jaw's clenched.  I feel his heavy breaths against my face. But I refuse to back down.

"How else will we find out what he wants? There has to be a reason why he's gone as far as you have to keep tabs on me. And it's not just for dinner. And I don't believe it's just to fuck me either." My eyes search his, knowing I'm right. He just has to give in. He straightens up to his full height and lets out a sigh.  Cupping my head in his hands and brings his forehead to mine.

"I don't care what his reason is. You are mine. I've waited for what feels like a millennia for you and he can't have you." I grab his hips to pull him closer.

"Look at me please." He opens his big dark eyes to look into mine. "I am yours. Nothing and no one will ever change that.  As long as you have waited for me, I've waited for you. I've known him since I was a kid, and there was never a time that I looked at him the way I look at you." He tilts my face up and presses his lips to mine.

When he pulls away he flops back down in his seat looking deflated. "Fine. I don't like this at all. And I won't be far from you. Something goes sideways, you call for me, and I'll come for you. I know you are strong enough to take him on but I still don't want to underestimate him. For all we know that attack and attempt at kidnapping you was all his doing." I hop down off of his desk to climb into his lap, sitting sideways letting my legs dangle.

"Agreed. I'll do this whichever way will make you feel more comfortable. But don't intervene before I've gotten my answers." He clenches his jaw but nods once to seal the deal.

After finding Peter's number in his personal folder, I gave him a call asking for a lunch "meeting", refusing to call it a date.  Although from the sound of his voice he still considered this a date.

Sitting alone in the booth of a restaurant not far from Rome's office building. I chose to sit near a window so I could see who was coming and going. I also figured if Rome was going to keep an eye on me it would make it easier for him as well.

I'm lost in my thoughts watching people on the street when Peter's scent hits me before I even see him walk up to the door. Stepping inside his face is very stoic, no emotions play on his face. When he is giving his name to the hostess he looks up and spots me before she can even point me out. And how quickly his face changes. His eyes lighten, and a bright toothy smile grows. If he didn't creep me out so much I'd actually be flattered.

As he gets closer I don't miss how his smile morphs to a not so innocent smirk. I stand when he's close and stick out my hand to shake his. Instead he pulls me by it into an embrace. He places my hands on his shoulders so he can wrap his arms around my waist.

"Okay, Peter.  That's enough. This is a meeting, not a date. Please don't make me hurt you." He chuckles next to my ear, taking in a deep breath of my scent. I give him a little shove and he stumbles a step before catching himself.  Recovering quickly before anyone notices.

"You're stronger Princess. What's going on with you?" Flattening out the back of my dress before I take my seat, I look up to meet his eyes.

"You know exactly what is going on with me. Just like I know what you are. Let's not play these games." He jerks his head back in surprise. I tilt my head and give him a knowing look. He laughs to himself before leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table. His fingers tangle together messily.

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