Little mate

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After a little nap Peter cleaned me up and gave me a T-shirt and joggers to wear while he washed my dress and delicates. We finally ate the grilled cheese sandwiches too. I place our empty plates in the dishwasher and rinse my hands in the sink.

Drying my hands I turn to look at Peter and see he's watching me from his bar stool. "You know, that's the first thing I've eaten since, well ya know." I cross my arms and lean back against the counter. "I haven't been hungry for food. I thought,".

"You're not dead. I've told you. You are a shifter. Your wolf, dormant or not, would've saved you before your heart completely stopped. Not saying you aren't a vampire. You're just not a full blooded one. But you are a pure blood ware. That trumps anything else." All this talk about my blood gets me wondering.

"Do you know the circumstances behind my parents murder?" He slowly looks up at me through his lashes. After a moment he nods. "So are you gonna tell me?" He shakes his head. "Why not?" Now he's pissing me off. Why does he have to play games ? I try to storm off but he catches me as I walk by wrapping his arm around me.

"Wait, please." Taking me by the hands, he pulls me closer as he sits back down and I stand between his legs. "I would love to tell you. But it's not my story to tell, and you probably wouldn't believe me." I shake my head.

"Why wouldn't I?" My eyes search his darting back and forth between them. I get that tickle in my head.

"Don't." It's Rome in my head, in a pleading tone filled with desperation. Peter notices my shift.

"He's interrupting isn't he?"

I refocus my eyes on Peter. "Yeah. All he said was don't." Peter scoffs softly.

"Maybe he's finally ready to tell you the truth. Because I can't. I'm not getting in the middle of the mess he's made for us. I just want you. I've always wanted you. I've waited since you were born." A sweet smile appears as he stares down at my neck. For some odd reason the place his eyes are stuck starts to throb. Tilting my head to the side, I bring my hand up to feel it and realize it's his teeth marks. What the fuck.

"He marked us." My wolf snickers. I hang my head and close my eyes in frustration. That bitch is loving this.  Me on the other hand. To say I'm conflicted would be an understatement.

"Did," I look at him, running my fingers over my raised skin. As much as my heart flutters, my stomach turns. "Did you mark me?"

"Yes, of course. I told you, no going back. I marked you while we mated." He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me flushed with his chest. Being this close always starts up the butterflies in my stomach. Especially if it's skin on skin. "I didn't plan to, not yet." His eyes flicker from the mark to my eyes again. "But my wolf, and my instinct took over. I tried to fight it, I just couldn't. It's what is supposed to happen. We were made for each other." He whispers the last part as he rests his forehead against mine with closed eyes.

I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and hold him closer. "I'm sorry." He tries to speak but I quickly put my pointer finger on his lips to shush him. "I know, I had no idea. But that doesn't make any of this any better. I thought I was human, then I thought I was mated to a vampire, just to find out that the man who used to be my hot neighbor is my alpha mate and I was never human at all. And now,". I close my eyes and shake my head. He's quiet, when his fingers guide my chin up to look at him.

"And now, what baby?" The tears I've been avoiding start to trickle down my cheek slowly one by one. He quickly brushes them away with the pad of his thumb. "Please don't cry love. This is supposed to be a happy time for us. Tell me what you were going to say.  'And now,'  what?"

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