She Lied

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"I talked to Lacey and told her everything," Ryan explains as he walks into the kitchen.

"Everything?" I ask softly.

I know Ryan. He's not one to hide things from Lacey. I mean, if he would have slept with any one of us girls, I'd bet any money he would have hid that from her. And everything in my gut makes me believe he and Becca may have slept together. Something just seemed off between the two of them. And he was naked next to her. She wasn't naked, but she wasn't fully clothed either.

Ryan nods and reaches for a coffee cup. "She knows about the tiny party we had. The hangovers I allowed you girls to have. The fact that I woke up naked. The fact that you and Becca slept around me. But nothing happened so that was a crucial factor in the anger she poured out over the phone. I don't think I've ever heard my daughter use so many swear words in one sentence."

I sip from my coffee and set it on the table. I cross my legs and although I don't care, I'm still worried. "Was she that angry?"

"No." He sips his coffee and sits at the table across from me.


Now, as fucked up as it seems, Ryan and I are no longer 'best friends Dad and me'. We are now 'hiding the secrets and don't say shit' kind of stuck. After last night I have to say this is more of a friendship now. We don't have much of a choice.

"So, what does this mean?"

He hitches a breath. "Honestly. It shouldn't mean anything. Things will continue just the way they have been. Everyone got drunk last night and woke up alive and no one did anything they regret."

" did end up naked."

"Yeah." He sighs and looks down at his cup. He's too scared to look at me. Is he embarrassed?

I open my mouth but hesitate. I lower my shoulders and look away.

Fuck it!

"Don't feel embarrassed." I spit out. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. You're built...every part of your body is built well."

"And I shouldn't be hearing that from my daughter's best friend. Now I am embarrassed."

"Ryan, stop!" I command in an argumentative tone. "I'm serious. We won't push this subject any further. What's done is done. It's over. And if you weren't my best friend's father..." I pause and roll my eyes. "Just leave it at that."

"I'm old enough to be your dad." He argues.

"No..." I argue back. "You're not. You're older than me, yes. But only for thirteen years. You're not old enough to be my dad. You're old enough to be my brother at most...and now that I said that...gross!"

"Why gross?" He chuckles.

I widen my eyes and nod my head toward his lower body, hinting. "Because of what I saw. I wouldn't want to see my brothers..."

"I have a date tonight." He interrupts, ending that part of the conversation, and slides his coffee cup from one hand to the other.

I tilt my head the slightest and set my cup down. "Same girl?"

He shakes his head. "No. This girl is my type. Deep brown hair. She has that distinct look to her. That mysterious vampire look. She has that resting bitch face which I love. Her deep brown eyes with those large eyelashes."

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