Chapter 8: Schemes and Alliances

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The Great Forest, Jade Dragon Fall

After Li Jing, Li Yuxong and others left. 

"How long do you want to keep hugging dear husband, we shouldn't get too close before our marriage!"

Li Gang instantly retracted his hands. 

Wang Xueyao narrowed her eyes. "Did you think I would kill them?"

Li Gang looked at her and replied. "No. You won't but I don't want to take risk."

Wang Xueyao mocked. "You really love your family. Are you aware of him?"

Li Gang looked at her deeply.

"Is it about dual Spiritual Imprint?"

Wang Xueyao looked at him and replied. "Yes, he posses a second Spiritual Imprint. Rank 9 Warp Walker."

Li Gang looked at her and smiled.

Wang Xueyao looked at his expression and immediately guessed what he was thinking and poured cold water.

"Dear husband, I only told you this because any person with dual Spiritual Imprint is as good of a genius as a person with Special Ability. They also possess extraordinary intuition against dangerous situations. He should be aware by now that I am very strong."

Li Gang immediately turned serious.

'She is threatening me. She meant she could very well kill me and ally with Li Yuxong instead since he got more potential than me. But this threat should be a warning to not go overboard next time for what I did earlier. She wouldn't ally with someone like Li Yuxong. She could use him as tool for short term. But he is not suitable for a long term plannings. He is too righteous and prideful in nature and wouldn't blindly follow her commands at all.'

Li Gang nodded. "I will bear it in my mind"

Wang Xueyao smiled and came closer. "If you do what I say, I will give you a beautiful gift in our wedding night."

After saying, she disappeared like never existed there.

Li Gang broke into cold sweats. He has realised the horror of Wang Xueyao. Her acting is flawless. She can blend into any character she wished, be it flirtatious, cold and arrogant demeanour, shy little girl, ethereal temperament, innocent face, and so on. He can't even keep up with her changes in styles.

'She is too dangerous. But, if I want a real life experience, her support is necessary. With my talent, I can't go anywhere. I would need her help if I want to become strong.'

Thinking so, he started returning home.

As he was going, someone stopped him on his way.

"She is very dangerous." Li Yuxong said seriously.

Li Gang looked at him indifferently, as if waiting for him to continue.

"Wang Xueyao is very dangerous. She is very strong big brother." Li Yuxong repeated his words.

Li Gang looked at him and said coldly. "You better keep that to yourself. If I heard this spread, I will make sure your Dual Spiritual Imprint become popular throughout the region."

Li Yuxong heart shook. It was his biggest secret.

"How did you know?"

Li Gang looked at him deeply, and said indifferently: "Do you think you can hide it from me? You are too naive if you think you can hide something like Rank 9 Spiritual Imprint!"

Li Yuxong was shocked. "Why? You know Wang Xueyao is dangerous right? You have been very good at judging people. Others may not know, but I know it. I am only doing it for you. I know you might like her, but she really is dangerous."

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